SPECIAL ADVISORY: Jesus Christ, His teachings and the teachings of the Bible are for all people. When attending APC church services, events and using APC's resources (including this website), you are doing so by your free choice and free will; being aware that APC helps strengthen people's faith in Jesus Christ, His teachings and the teachings of the Bible. This advisory is in view of anti-conversion laws in parts of India. The Constitution of India offers all citizens, individually and collectively, some basic freedoms and Fundamental Rights, which are justifiable. Article 12 to 35 contained in Part III of the Indian Constitution deal with Fundamental Rights including the Right to freedom of conscience and free profession, practice, and propagation of religion and the Right to constitutional remedies for enforcement of Fundamental Rights.
All Peoples Church Bangalore
Our vision at All Peoples Church is to be salt and light in the city of Bangalore, a voice to the nation and to the nations.
All Peoples Church is a Jesus-loving, Word-focused, Spirit-filled, family church, an equipping center, a missions base, and a world outreach.
As a family church, we grow together as a community in Christ-centered fellowship, caring for and serving each another in love as the assembly of God.
As an equipping center we empower and equip every believer to live victoriously, mature into Christlikeness and fulfil God’s purposes for their lives.
As a missions base we engage in meaningful ministry to bless our city, nation and the nations with the full Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Word of God and supernatural demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit.
As a world outreach we serve locally and globally by nurturing godly leaders and Spirit-filled churches who can impact their regions for the Kingdom of God.
We welcome you to visit one of our churches in Bangalore, join our online Sunday church service or any of our churches in India.
Friday March 14
Thursday March 13
Wednesday March 12
Coming Up
Healings and Miracles!
Sunday Services
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Weekend Schools
Weekend School of Healing and Deliverance
Weekend School on Manifesting the Gifts of the Spirit
Weekend School of Prayer and Intercession
Weekend School of Urban Missions and Church Planting
Weekend School on God@Work
Weekend School on Inner Wholeness
Weekend School of Apologetics With Power
Weekend School on Lifestyle Evangelism
Working Professionals,
We are here to serve you!
APC ... a place for everyone!
Children's Church
Children’s Church (Kid’s church, Sunday School) "These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your...
Youth Ministry
Hello! Welcome to the youth ministry of APC! We are a passionate generation that live to bring the body of...
Life Groups
Life Groups "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." (Matthew...
Here for you to enjoy!
Bible College & Ministry Training Center
apcbiblecollege.orgThree learning options: On-Campus, Online, E-learning
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