Children’s Church (Kid’s church, Sunday School)
"These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up." (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
At APC, we believe that each child is special and a blessing from God. Investing in their lives is investing into the future of our church and our nation. At APC’s children’s church (also called Kid’s church or Sunday School) our vision is to nurture our children to walk as Jesus walked, to learn to walk yielded to the Spirit of God, being naturally supernatural and manifesting the glory of God, in everyday life.
The Children's Church (Kid’s church or Sunday School) aspires to teach young ones Biblical truths that will help them make godly choices, be spiritually and morally strong in a world of compromise and pursue God's plan and purpose for their lives. We have developed our own curriculum that we use for our Children's Church (Kid’s church or Sunday School) to equip them with the Word and the Spirit and bring a good balance of learning God's Word, doctrinal foundations and life application. Topics covered include Old and New Testament Survey, Our Identity in Christ, Prayer, Holy Spirit, Overcoming Temptation, Ministering Healing, and much more. The curriculum is continuously updated as we discover new areas to be addressed and new ways to communicate spiritual truth. We desire that each of our children learn to live for God's Kingdom and to release Kingdom purposes through their lives.
Teen Talk
Teen Talk as part of Children's Church (Kid’s church or Sunday School) is for early teens addressing topics to them. Topics include: Values and choices, Peer Pressure, Responsibility, Managing Emotions, Relationships, Power of Words, Body Image, Discerning subtle messages in media, Addictions & Bullying. New topics relevant to teens are continuously addressed.
Children's Church Outreach
Periodically children are taken on outreaches to hospitals, orphanages and old age homes to serve and minister.
Kids' Camp Every year, APC hosts a five day (9:00-13:00) Kids' Camp during the month of April. The camp focuses on a specific theme to nurture children in that area of their spiritual lives. This is a fun time of learning and growing. Please see the APC Calendar for schedule.