Christian Leaders Conference
All Peoples Church provides anointed equipping and impartation for pastors, local church leadership, leaders of Christian organizations and others engaging in Christian ministry. In addition to anointed teaching, Spirit-led ministry and impartation, our teams engage in personal interaction and discussions with participants. Each Christian Leaders' Conference runs typically for two to three days focused on a specific theme. Participants will leave renewed, empowered and equipped for greater impact and effectiveness in their ministry. Christian Leaders' Conferences are typically hosted by a local church, a Christian ministry, a missions organization or denominational head-office for churches and pastors in its area or within its network or denomination. The hosting organization will cover the expenses of the conference as well as take care of inviting participants. All Peoples Church will send its ministry team to serve the participants at the Christian Leaders' Conference.
Some of the themes that our teams commonly engage on:
- Revivals, Visitations and Moves of God : creates a stirring and releases an impartation for revival with understanding on how to pursue and steward revival.
- Presence and Glory : imparts an understanding of the presence and glory of God, how to step into God's manifest presence, how to manifest the glory of God and to make His people His dwelling where His presence abides and His glory manifests.
- Kingdom Builders (The Kingdom of God and Kingdom Building) : imparts a clear understanding of the Kingdom of God and brings about a deep sense of unity with the focus on building people and advancing Kingdom purposes.
- Level Ground : brings about personal transformation, deliverance and establishes foundations of purity, personal walk with God, integrity and conduct in the lives of Christian leaders.
- The House of God : imparts a proper understanding on God's design for the local church, how to build the local church according to God's blueprint and to make it what it is intended to be.
- Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Today : activates the apostolic and prophetic ministry, and releases a proper understanding on how to function in these ministry areas.
- Ministering Healing and Deliverance : imparts equipping, proper understanding, grace and anointing to minister healing and deliverance.
- Manifesting the Gifts and Flowing in the Anointing of the Spirit : activates the gifts of the Spirit, imparts understanding on how to properly manifest the gifts of the Spirit, stir up, flow and increase in the anointing of the Spirit.
- Marriage and Family : a very important series for everyone on how to build, nurture and guard marriage and family.
- Equipping the Saints and Marketplace Transformation : brings about understanding on the seven mountain assignment, urban missions and how to equip believers and release them for impact in the marketplace, preparing the church for the next great move of God.
- Higher Realms : a very important time of moving into higher realms and deeper depths in God
- Other topics : New topics are added as the Lord leads and directs.
To schedule and plan a Christian Leaders' Conference please email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.