In Christ Jesus - Our Identity - Who We Are In Christ - Sermon series (Outlines, Notes, PDFs, Audio)
In Christ Jesus. This is an important theme in the Epistles. In this sermon series we discover our identity in Christ. Who we are in Christ. Who God has made us to be in Christ. What our spiritual identity is, in Christ Jesus. This is one of the most important revelations for every believer in Jesus Christ. We must also learn how to live out of our identity in Christ and out of our union with Jesus. What would life look like if we truly walked in our identity and in our inheritance, and lived out of the life we have in Christ? The answer is simple. Our life would be just like His. We would be just like Jesus. This is the reason why God has placed us in Christ Jesus.
In Part-1 Revelation we learn that the Lord Jesus foretold that a time would come when His followers would receive a revelation of their union with Him. The Epistles unveil this mystery of our identity in Christ. We begin this exciting journey of discovering our identity, our inheritance and our life in Christ. Who we are in Christ, is who we really are. God completes the work and invites us to live out of His finished work.
In Part-2: New Creation we discover that anyone can become a new creation in Christ and receive new life from above through faith in Jesus Christ. This message takes a deep dive into what the new creation life is about.
In Part-3: Justified we explore the truth that in Christ God justified and made us righteous, freely by His grace and because of Christ's work on the Cross. This qualifies us to live joyfully without any sense of condemnation, to fellowship with God freely and intimately, to boldly ask of Him, to reign over life's matters and to confront satan as a king and master.
In Part-4: Sanctified we learn that sanctification or holiness is something we start out from in our Christian life, and not something we attain unto through our Christian life. Christ is our sanctification. We have been sanctified through faith in Christ and by the blood of the Cross of Christ. In daily life we live out of our state of being sanctified by the power of the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Sanctification is a completed work in the spirit and is a present continuous process in our daily lives. God completes the work and then invites us to live out of it. Discover how to live a life of holiness as you live out of your identity and life in Christ.
In Part-5: Identified-Crucified we delve into an important truth we see in Scripture, that of identification - many in the one. In identification, what happened to the one, was extended to the many. Although this happened back in time, it is experience today. The new creation is in Christ. What happened to Christ, happened to the new creation. Consequently, we see the Scriptures teach us that because we are in Christ, we have become identified with Him in His crucifixion, burial, resurrection, ascension, and exaltation (position) at the right hand of the Father. Discover how this truth affects us today and how to live out of this revelation given to us in Scripture.
In Part 6: Identified-Raised and Seated we learn that the Scriptures teach us that because we are in Christ, we have become identified with Him in His crucifixion, burial, resurrection, ascension, and exaltation (position) at the right hand of the Father. In this continuing message we explore what it means to be resurrected with Christ, raised with Christ and to be seated with Christ. Discover how this truth affects us today and how to live out of this revelation given to us in Scripture.
In Part 7: Spirit of Life we discover that the law (dominion, influence, work) of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, has set us free from the law of sin and death. Every believer can live free from the dominion of sin and things that work death-that are destructive, because of the power of the Spirit of life, available to us in Christ Jesus. This inspiring message teaches us how to walk according to the Spirit so that we can free from the law of sin and death.
In Part 8: Redeemed, we study Redemption, a powerful truth in Scripture. In Christ, the believer is God's redeemed property, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. What are we redeemed from? How do we walk in the provisions and blessings of our redemption? This message explains the important truth of our redemption in Christ and answers these questions.
In Part 9: Free, we learn that one of our great blessings in Christ is freedom. In Christ we have liberty. We are free from bondage to the Law. We are free from observing meaningless rituals. We are free from following man-made ideas as observing special days, individual supernatural encounters, or man-made/cultural superstitions. However, we must learn to walk in freedom wisely. We must not abuse our freedom. The New Testament teaches us to walk in the Spirit and to walk in love.
In Part 10: Children and Joint-Heirs, we learn that the Bible says that we are children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. What does it mean to be sons and daughters of God? Be inspired and encourage today as you discover who you are and what is yours as a child of God, in Christ. Adopted as sons and daughters – sense belonging, Chosen to be loved by Him – sense of blessing (blessedness), Predestined to be like Jesus – sense of eternal destiny, Called according to His purpose – sense of purpose, Justified in His sight – sense of freedom, Glorified together with Jesus – sense of worth. Living as children of God: Beloved of the Father – deeply loved, Brethren – we are family, Heirs – we have a rich inheritance, Joint-Heirs – we share with Christ, Ambassadors – we represent the Kingdom.
In Part 11: Blessed we learn that in Christ we are blessed with every spiritual blessing. God has qualified us to partake of the inheritance He has for His people. Be strengthened spiritually as you learn of your blessings in Christ and how to walk in them in everyday life. This is Part-11 in this series on our identity in Christ, discovering who we are in Christ, and how to live life in Christ.
In Part 12: One Body we learn that our being in Christ has made us one with everyone else who is in Christ. Our identity in Christ supersedes our natural identity-race, social standing, gender, etc. Being one body in Christ makes us God's dwelling place, God's temple. Each one of us must do our part to keep the God's Temple holy. As God's dwelling place we establish God’s presence in our community. We destabilize demonic strongholds in our city. The Holy Communion, the Lord's Table expresses that we are one body. We eat of one bread and drink of one cup. Our covenant with God is also our covenant with each other. Celebrate the blessings of the covenant and also express our spiritual unity with each other. As part of one body, we recognize that there are many members, with many functions in the body. We learn to serve together, complementing each other, and not competing with each other. We collectively represent Christ to our world. We honor other local churches that are in Christ, because, although diverse in our expressions, we are one. This is Part-12 in this series on our identity in Christ, discovering who we are in Christ, and how to live life in Christ.
In Part 13: Ministers and Ambassadors we learn that each of us has a heavenly call, In Christ Jesus to be ministers of the Lord and ambassadors for Christ. The ministry we do, and the works flow out of our life in Him. Therefore we minister boldly in the Lord, knowing that His grace and Spirit empower us. As we live and minister out of the life we have in Him, we are very fruitful. Part of the ministry we do is to nurture others in their life in Christ and help them be mature in Christ. As ambassadors, we are diplomats, senior officials, representing Christ and acting on His behalf to see people reconciled back to God. We recognize that other believers are also ambassadors, and our co-workers and hence treat each other with honor in Christ.
In Part 14 & 15: Living The In Christ Life we learn that we have been born from above to live from above. In Christ the work is complete, and in every day life we are a "work in progress". We are perfected, and being perfected. We are sanctified, and being sanctified. To "live from above" is to know what God has already completed for us in the spirit, and work with Him to live this out in our daily life. Two important practices to shift from "living from below" to "living from above": (A)Renewing the mind, and (B)walking in the Spirit. As we live out of a renewed mind, we manifest the in Christ life. We are to be spiritually minded yet earthly wise. Wisdom is the ability to take the principles of the heavenly realm and apply it correctly to daily life situations in a practical way. As we walk yielded, led and guided by the Spirit, we manifest the in Christ life. Our goal is discovering who we are in Christ, and how to live life in Christ. We learn how to live out of our life in Christ, our identity and our inheritance in Christ. (1) Live Out Of What Has Been Completed - Live from above out of your life in Him (2) Renew Your Mind - Be renewed in your thinking to put on Jesus (3) Walk In The Spirit - Be changed by the Spirit to be like Jesus (4) Walk In Him - Live aligned to Jesus, doing only what Jesus would do (5) Be Rooted In Him - Be fixed on Jesus as your Source and Strength, depending and drawing from Him (6) Be Built Up In Him - Grow up to be like Him in all things, maturing into Christlikeness (7) Abide In Him - Stay connected to Him keeping disconnectors away.
This series on our identity in Christ is sure to enrich you personally, as well your small group or local church. Feel free to use these. Download the free APC Book: Who We Are In Christ
These sermons include free audio (mp3) and video of this expository teaching, free printable PDF sermon outlines, sermon notes and small group study guide with discussion questions and presentation slides. All resources (sermon PDF, sermon MP3, sermon video, sermon presentation) are free for use in personal study, small groups, Bible study prayer groups, local churches, conferences, Bible colleges, etc.
Key words: In Christ Jesus, Identity in Christ, Who We Are In Christ, In Christ, sermons, sermon notes, sermon outline, free sermon notes, free sermon outlines, Bible study resources.