Gifts of the Holy Spirit Training, Equipping, Impartation
Do you know that all believers can flow in all nine gifts of the Spirit? The gifts of the Spirit are like our tool box with tools to help each of us get Kingdom work accomplished, to bless others and glorify Jesus Christ. Regardless of what you do in everyday life - a home-maker, a business person, a professional, an artist, a student, a teacher or in Christian ministry - you can learn how to manifest all the gifts of the Spirit and release the power of the Spirit, right where you are, on the go!
- Each of the nine gifts will be explained with Biblical and practical examples.
- You will be activated and encouraged to flow in the gifts of the Spirit.
- You will learn how to stir yourself up to be available to the Holy Spirit.
- You will learn how to develop your spirit-man to make you better able to release the gifts.
- You will learn how to remove soul blockages that hinder the flow of the gifts.
- You will also learn how to release the flow of God's power through you.
Content for this school is regularly updated. So, even if you have attended this weekend school previously, you are welcome to attend again, to learn fresh insights and be equipped for further ministry.
Related Sermon Series:
The Gifts of the Spirit
Weekend Schools are open to believers from all Christian churches in Bangalore and elsewhere.
We encourage believers to be equipped and serve faithfully in their local church where God has placed them.
Hosted by All Peoples Church in Bangalore.
Go to Weekend Schools main page to register.
Other Information:
At All Peoples Church in Bangalore we proclaim the full Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ bringing salvation, new life in Christ and wholeness to the total person (Romans 15:18-21,29). We believe we must be faithful and regular in the assembly of God, the gathering of the brethren, the local church according to Hebrews 10:25. As a Bible believing community, we engage in Spirit filled worship. We sing both contemporary songs and the great hymns of the Christian faith and tradition as in the Anglican (CSI, CNI) and Evangelical (Methodist, Baptist, etc,) churches. We partake in the Lord’s table, the Holy Communion each month. We practice water baptism by immersion, as was initially introduced by John the Baptist (Matthew 3:6) and given to the Church by the Lord Jesus in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Water baptism services are held typically every alternate month. We also believe in the Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit as a present-day experience available for all believers (Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-4,17-18,38-39). We regularly pray for believers to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit with expression in tongues and other gifts of the Holy Spirit. We believe in the apostolic and prophetic mandate to equip believers for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12), with the power of the Holy Spirit through the ‘charismata’ (charismatic expressions), the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7-11), for supernatural healing, deliverance, and miracles. We believe every believer is a minister in the Body of Christ, with a God-given role and function. Hence, we encourage all believers to actively volunteer and serve God in the local church community and beyond. Together we pursue God, to be stronger, deeper, and higher in knowing Him, and to reach further for His Kingdom and for His glory alone. We emphasize expressing our unity and fellowship in the Spirit in practical ways. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1).
All Peoples Church in Bangalore is a Spirit filled, Word based, Bible-believing fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ desiring more of His presence and supernatural power bringing transformation, healing, miracles, and deliverance. We preach the full Gospel, equip believers to live out our new life in Christ, and serve in strengthening unity across all Christian churches: Anglican, Apostolic, Assembly of God (AG), Baptist, Brethren, Charismatic, CSI, CNI, Evangelical, Full Gospel, Independent, Lutheran, Methodist, Non-denominational, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Prophetic, Revival, and other churches in Bangalore.