Miracle Healing Supernatural Services Sermons (Outlines, Notes, PDFs, Audio)
Miracle and healing services, Supernatural Sunday services, are times people are encouraged through simple Gospel preaching to believe God for healings, deliverance, miracles, and supernatural works of God in their lives. The messages are simple. The God of the Bible is the God of today. Faith in God works the same way as in Bible times. As the Scripture states, Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever! The gifts of the Holy Spirit are in manifestation today in the Church. The Lord Jesus heals in many different ways, and we seek to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Whether through gifts of the Spirit, demonstrations of His presence and glory, the flow of different kinds of anointing, healing through the laying of on hands, or through the exercise of personal faith in God's Word – we remain open to how the Lord leads in each service. We encourage people to take time to verify their healing and miracle, If needed, get it verified medically. Every miracle of God will stand the test of medical science. Without hype, exaggeration, or focus on an individual, with all attention on Jesus, dependence on the Word of God and the work of the Spirit, these simple messages will build faith and help you experience the supernatural in your life.
These sermons include free audio (mp3) and video of this expository teaching, free printable PDF sermon outlines, sermon notes and small group study guide with discussion questions and presentation slides. All resources (sermon PDF, sermon MP3, sermon video, sermon presentation) are free for use in personal study, small groups, Bible study prayer groups, local churches, conferences, Bible colleges, etc.
Key words: Miracle, Healing, Deliverance, sermons, sermon notes, sermon outline, free sermon notes, free sermon outlines, Bible study resources.