Sermons church in Bangalore
The book of Acts records the first 40 years of the Early Church. This is a book study of the Acts of the apostles, or more correctly, the acts of the Holy Spirit through the early believers. As we study the book of Acts there are two compelling perspectives that we develop: (A) the Church’s DNA – what a Spirit filled church would look like and (B) how the Church would go about fulfilling the Great Commission empowered by the Holy Spirit. We glean spiritual and practical insights from each chapter and share ways we can apply these in our lives. In this sermon we cover Acts chapters 11-12. We follow Peter as he recounts what God did in Caesarea at the house of Cornelius. We look closely at the birth of a new church at Antioch in Syria. We draw insights from Peter’s deliverance from prison and the continued growth of the church, despite efforts to stop it.
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