Jun 2013 - Aug 2013
Marketplace Assignment – Bible Study Resources for Small Group Fellowship
An exciting new series on the Marketplace and the believers role in the Marketplace. Listen to informative teaching from God's Word and also exciting real life experiences and lessons learned from believers engaged in the Marketplace. We'll cover topics like: Work - It's Original Design, Biblical Attitude Towards Work, The Seven Mountain Assignment for Business, Education, Government, Arts & Entertainment, Media, Religion and Family. So don't miss LivingStrong! each Monday Night, 9pm on GodTV!
Mon, Jun 03, 2013
On this program, we look at the workplace and God's original design for the workplace. What would the workplace have been like, if the Fall had not happened. Understanding that the work of Christ is to redeems us from all the consequences of the Fall, we then look at the workplace in the light of redemption. Our challenge is to capture God's original design for the workplace, even as we live in a fallen world.
Mon, Jun 10, 2013
Most of us believers are engaged five to six days of the week in the workplace. We spend most of our adult life at work. What does God say about our involvement with work? How should we perceive our role in the marketplace? Today on LivingStrong! we discover key Biblical attitudes we must maintain as we engage in the marketplace. Stay tuned!
Mon, Jun 17, 2013
In 1975, God simultaneously gave three key leaders in the Body of Christ the same message to share with the Body of Christ. The Lord impressed on the hearts of Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade, Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission, and Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer a theologian the message that if the Body of Christ was to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of society that are the pillars of any society. If God's people would take their place on these seven mountains and transform culture, we could disciple any nation. On LivingStrong! today, we share an introduction to "The Seven Mountain Assignment". Stay Tuned for this very important message!
Mon, Jun 24, 2013
In this series on The Seven Mountain Assignment we are learning that if the Body of Christ is to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of influence, that are the pillars of any society. If God's people would take their place on these seven mountains and transform culture, we could disciple any nation. On LivingStrong! today, we share insights on influencing the mountain of Business. Stay Tuned for this very important message!
Mon, Jul 01, 2013
In this series on The Seven Mountain Assignment we are learning that if the Body of Christ is to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of influence, that are the pillars of any society. If God's people would take their place on these seven mountains and transform culture, we could disciple any nation. On LivingStrong! today, we share insights on influencing the mountain of Education. Stay Tuned for this very important message!
Mon, Jul 08, 2013
In this series on The Seven Mountain Assignment we are learning that if the Body of Christ is to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of influence, that are the pillars of any society. If God's people would take their place on these seven mountains and transform culture, we could disciple any nation. On LivingStrong! today, we share insights on influencing the mountain of Arts & Entertainment. Stay Tuned for this very important message!
Mon, Jul 15, 2013
In this series on The Seven Mountain Assignment we are learning that if the Body of Christ is to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of influence, that are the pillars of any society. If God's people would take their place on these seven mountains and transform culture, we could disciple any nation. On LivingStrong! today, we share insights on influencing the mountain of Media. Stay Tuned for this very important message!
Mon, Jul 22, 2013
In this series on The Seven Mountain Assignment we are learning that if the Body of Christ is to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of influence, that are the pillars of any society. If God's people would take their place on these seven mountains and transform culture, we could disciple any nation. On LivingStrong! today, we share insights on influencing the mountain of Religion. Stay Tuned for this very important message!
Mon, Jul 29, 2013
In this series on The Seven Mountain Assignment we are learning that if the Body of Christ is to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of influence, that are the pillars of any society. If God's people would take their place on these seven mountains and transform culture, we could disciple any nation. On LivingStrong! today, we share insights on influencing the mountain of Government. Stay Tuned for this very important message!
Mon, Aug 05, 2013
In this series on The Seven Mountain Assignment we are learning that if the Body of Christ is to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of influence, that are the pillars of any society. If God's people would take their place on these seven mountains and transform culture, we could disciple any nation. On LivingStrong! today, we share insights on influencing the mountain of Family. Stay Tuned for this very important message!