Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
Sun, May 15, 2022

Tongue (Daily Devotional)

by Ps Nancy Ramya

Hi everyone, thank you for joining in studying God’s word. Today, I want to talk about something that may sound very simple and yet is so important and this is about our words, and the tongue that speaks these words. Let’s look at the passage from James chapter 3 and verses 3 to 5, it says, ‘Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.’ God’s word is revealing to us that there is a small member of our body, the tongue which has incredible power. We have been given examples of the bits in horses mouths which can turn their entire body and you have a rudder which can turn a large ship even in the face of a storm or winds. We see that a small little thing has incredible power to steer the course of a creature and a huge vessel.

Similarly, when we think about the tongue, the tongue is helpful in speaking words; these words that come out of our mouth, what the Bible is saying is that these words will direct our lives. As we go onto read about the tongue in James chapter 3, he explains an evil togue, and he says that an evil tongue will put the body on fire, which is to say that there will be evil consequences for an evil tongue. If we turn this around and talk about a good tongue, a good tongue will be a blessing to the body because good words come through a good tongue. So, speaking good words, or in other words, for us as believers, good words simply mean words that are aligned to the mind of God, to the will of God, so what we call ‘logos’ which is the written and the revealed word of God. When we align our words to what the word of God has to say, those are good words and as we speak those words, we can be assured that they are releasing blessing and life to our entire person and not just our entire person but everything that is associated with us and we are concerned about, life and blessings are being released. I also want to talk about Proverbs chapter 18 and verse 21, it’s a very familiar scripture which says, ‘life and death is in the power of the tongue.’ We have a choice, there is a choice which is given to us, we could choose to speak words which are negative, words that are accusatory, words that are condemning, words that are hopeless, or we can replace those words with faith filled words- words that affirm, words that worship God, words which say Amen to what the word of God is saying. It’s our choice, but let’s make the right choice which is to speak words of life.

Let’s pray together, Heavenly Father, we thank you that you have given us the capacity to speak forth powerful words, that will bless us and others around us. We pray for the strength and the grace to keep speaking words in alignment with your word. Even as we do that, we thank you that our life will see the life of God flowing into it, we give you thanks and praise, in Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.

Thank you for tuning in to living supernaturally, for more resources to strengthen your spiritual walk, please visit apcwo.org

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