Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
Fri, Mar 19, 2021

Obedience (Daily Devotional)

by Sis Jean George

Shalom, it is again a pleasure to come your way and meditate on God's word. We've been going through, understanding what are some ways that we can please God and we trust that as we have been meditating on things that pleases God, that we are taking time to apply these truths in our lives. Another aspect of how we can please God is through our obedience. I'll read scripture from 1st Samuel chapter 15, verse22, ‘But Samuel replied, “what is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Obedience is far better than sacrifice. Listening to him is much better than offering the fat of rams.”’ When we look at the verse for today, we will just understand the setting that goes behind this verse. When Israel came out of Egypt and passed through the wilderness, the Amalekites had attacked them, and we read about this in Exodus. God commands them later in Deuteronomy and says to remember what the Amalekites did to them as they came out of Egypt, how they were attacked, how they grew faint. God gives this instruction that when Israel gets rest from all its enemies, they were instructed to blot the Amalekites out. Saul being the first king was commanded to execute the Amalekites. But Saul, what he does instead is he preserves the king Agag, the best of the sheep, the oxen, and the lamb and all that seemed good. When he was confronted by Samuel, Saul excused this in terms of the sacrifice and that's when God through Samuel says it is better to obey than to offer a sacrifice. So, what does obedience mean in simple terms? Obedience just means hearing what God says and acting upon it. It is also aligning our will to God's will, doing what God wants us to do. It's when we completely surrender to His authority and to His will. It is when everything that we do, all decisions are based on His word. Why is obedience important? Because when we obey God, it is an act of worship. It shows God that we implicitly trust Him, that He knows everything that is good for us. It is through our obedience that God recognizes that we are His children and that we listen to His voice, that we are His sheep. That's why obedience sets us apart as His children and that's what pleases God. Just like if you are a parent and you would have your children obey you, it pleases your heart when they do what you say. When we obey God, we are responding to that love that God has for us. Why is obedience so important to please God? Because it brings Him glory and it also helps Him to see that we are His children and that we choose to live our lives in accordance with what He wants us to. Obedience to the Lord is saying, the Lord is my God, I will do whatever God wants me to do, even if it may be difficult for me. It is saying that you want to obey Him, you want to honor Him. Remember that whenever we obey Him, we are bringing Him pleasure. Let's pray together, Heavenly Father, we have learned from Saul's life, the fallout of disobeying you. Lord, we pray that you will give us the strength and the courage Lord to trust you implicitly, that when you say a word, when we hear your voice, that we will obey you without a whimper, that we will do so with all our love because it brings you glory. Teach us to remember that the more we obey you, the more it brings pleasure to your heart, in Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.

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