Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
by Ps Nancy Ramya

Hello everyone, I hope that you're enjoying learning that each of us is a minister of God and today I just want to add to that thought and make us think about the motivation behind our ministry or the motivation behind our service for the Kingdom of God. While it's important what we do, now some of us might be doing big things for the Kingdom of God and some others might be doing what we consider as small things for the kingdom of God. What God looks at is really the heart behind the service. If you recall a time when Jesus narrated about a woman who offered her gifts to God, she put in her offering and there was a very wealthy man as well who came and offered what he had. But the Lord Jesus revealed that the heart of that woman was one to be commended because she came with a sincere heart to give her all but the rich person, he just came in to give something to God. God really looks at the heart behind the service and not just the service that we bring to Him. As we serve God, for us to serve well, we need to ask ourselves the question, why am I serving? And here are some good answers from God's word for us. If you're serving as worship unto the Lord, then that's the right reason for us to serve. I believe many of us, we serve in church, and Sunday morning when we arrive in church, we could just check our hearts and ask why am I doing this? Is it to please someone else or is it my worship to God this morning? If the answer is worship to God, then that's a very good reason to serve God. Another reason the word of God teaches us is to share Christ, to share Jesus and to extend His kingdom and that's the great commission that has been given to us. Any ministry that we're engaged in, any service that we're doing, we can ask the question, am I doing this to share the love of Jesus, am I doing this to win souls for the kingdom of God? And if the answer is yes, then great, we are serving well. If our motivation is also to lead people into maturity, especially when we're teaching, what is our reason to teach, are we trying to impress people with our knowledge or are we trying to just share information which we have? But instead, if we want to impart God's knowledge to mature people, to bring up people higher in their walk with the Lord, that would be a good reason for us to serve, it is the right motivation. Similarly, to glorify God, that's a right motivation, to reveal the nature of Christ and whatever we're doing, may God be seen in what I'm doing, that's the motive that I carry, that is also good service or ministry to God. So I just want to encourage each one of us to always think about the why and reset it, if it has gone off in some way for whatever reason, just reset the why and as long as our why is pleasing unto the Lord, we're in the right place and it really doesn't matter how big an assignment God has given us, when we do it with the right heart, that's an assignment which is pleasing to God and approved by God. So, let's serve Him well and with the right motives. Let's pray together, Heavenly Father, we thank you that each of us is called in some way or the other to serve your kingdom. We pray that like that woman who gave her all, that we would do our best for your kingdom and that we would serve you with the right heart. We pray that you will continue to teach us the truth of your word, so that we may be established in this, in Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.

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Daily devotions to strengthen your faith each day. Daily Devotional for Spirit filled living. Each daily devotion is about five minutes in duration. These daily devotionals are centered around a weekly theme. So there are seven daily devotions that focus on the theme and bring you insight, understanding and revelation from the Bible. Each week's theme is listed as a series. So you can listen to the current week's devotions or go to any previous theme/series that speaks to your present need (https://apcwo.org/resources/daily-devotions ). Also available free sermons (https://apcwo.org/sermons), and free Christian books (https://apcwo.org/books) to nourish and strengthen your faith.
Series:Serve Well
Duration:5 mins 11 secs

All Peoples Church in Bangalore is a Spirit-filled, Word-based, Bible-believing Christian fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ desiring more of His presence and supernatural power bringing transformation, healing, miracles, and deliverance. We preach the full Gospel, equip believers to live out our new life in Christ, welcome the Charismatic and Pentecostal expressions in the assembly of God and serve in strengthening unity across all Christian churches. All free resources, sermons, daily devotionals, and free Christian books are provided for the strengthening of all believers in the Body of Christ. Join our services live at APC YouTube Channel. For further equipping, please visit APC Bible College.


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