Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
Thu, Nov 03, 2022

More Grace (Daily Devotional)

by Ps Nancy Ramya

Welcome everyone, such a joy to have you as we study on the subject of humility. We have seen that the Lord Jesus is our greatest model and example when it comes to the walk of humility. We have also seen that it is so important for us to employ humility in our interactions and human relationships. How does God view our pride or our humility? Let us quickly look at a passage from 1 Peter chapter 5, verse 5 says, ‘Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility for God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ God is a God who doesn’t like pride. He wants us to clothe ourselves with humility, clothing oneself with humility is an act of the will. Humility will not happen automatically, we need to put it on, we need to choose to walk in humility. We have seen how having the right perspective about our identity, about who God is and who other people are will enable us to walk in such humility. Let’s quickly look at the Message version of the part where it says, ‘God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ The Message version says, ‘God has had it with proud, but takes delight in just plain people.’ God is someone who abhors, or He is someone who dislikes pride so much. He would like to associate with the humble and that is quite clear when we consider the life of Jesus. He was not one to condone the self-righteousness of the Pharisees or the religious attitude of the Pharisees, but He was somebody who appreciated people with a humble spirit, people with a right heart attitude, people who came to God with an attitude of worship. If we can recall the tax collector and the widow, who both brought their offerings; we see Jesus applauding what the widow did and we see Jesus condemning the attitude of the tax collector and that is Jesus for us, that is God for us who never like pride but He wanted us to walk in humility. Pride has to do with arrogance, haughtiness, it has to do with self-exaltation, self-importance, boasting, self-glorification and considering oneself superior to others, but we see that humility is to consider God as the source of everything and to also have the right view of people that we esteem others just as much as us or even greater than us. So, humility is a prerequisite for us to receive divine grace in our lives. We’ve seen here that God gives grace to the humble. For us to grow, we need God’s grace, for us to increase in the anointing of God for our lives or the skills or the purpose of God for our lives, we need His grace. We will never have His grace if we walk in pride. Grace comes only when we walk in humility, so, let us walk in humility. Let’s pray together, Heavenly Father, we thank and praise you for the truth of your word. We see your heart regarding humility, enable us to always choose humility over pride and arrogance, in Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.

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Duration:4 mins 53 secs

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