Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
Sun, Nov 14, 2021

Doctrine (Daily Devotional)

by Ps Ashish Raichur

Greetings! and thank you for the opportunity to come your way and spend a few moments in the word of God and pray with you. We trust that as we spend time with the word of God, there will be truth imparted to your heart, and you will be strengthened and encouraged in your walk with God. This week, I just felt that we will take some time to talk about the marks of a minister of God. Now you may say I'm not a preacher or a minister. Well, the bible tells us that all of us as believers, are ministers of God, we in some way, are serving God and we represent God. So, I just want to highlight this for us so that we will be encouraged to pursue these things in our lives and say this is what I should maintain as a minister of God. The apostle Paul is the one who wrote about the nine fruits of the spirit, he also wrote about the nine gifts of the spirit in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 and what I seem to observe in second Timothy, chapter three was 10 to 11 are the nine marks of a minister of God. Of course, he's presenting this in reference to his own life, but I see him mention these nine things and I don't think it happened by accident that these are nine, it seems to fit in with the fruit of the spirit and the gifts of the spirit and here there are nine marks of a man anointed by the Spirit. We want to look at each of these over the course of this week. 2 Timothy chapter three and verse 10 and 11, Paul writes, he writes to Timothy, he says, ‘but you have carefully followed my doctrine, my manner of life, my purpose, faith, long suffering, love, perseverance, persecutions, afflictions.’ And so, he mentions these nine things that happened in his life, and he says, Timothy, you saw all these things in me. I feel these are important, the fact that the apostle Paul would say, you saw these in me and saying, Timothy, follow an example, you've carefully observed these nine. So, these nine marks or traits of an anointed servant of God, a minister of God, so, we will talk about this. The first thing he mentions is you have followed my doctrine, means the teaching what Paul was preaching, what Paul was teaching. So as a minister of God, our preaching and teaching is important. We maintain the preaching and the teaching of God's word; the way God wants us to maintain. He wants us to make sure God has instructed us and Paul encouraged Timothy and in his own ministry, the apostle Paul ensured that he maintained sound doctrine. He repeats this often, both to Timothy and Titus, he tells them to maintain sound doctrine in your preaching and in you're teaching. Titus chapter two and verse 1, ‘But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine.’ Here's the first mark of an anointed man, servant of God or woman of God that they maintain sound doctrine. That means their teaching, preaching, the way they handle the word of God, is it the reverence? They emphasize teaching the wholesome word of God and you as a minister of God, emphasize that in your life, the way you handle the word of God, make sure you do it with reverence, with integrity, with incorruptibility and with sound speech, then nobody can question you. Let's pray, Father, we ask that you help us be men and women who represent you and serve you well. Help us to maintain and handle your word in a manner worthy of your name, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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