Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
by Sis Jean George

Shalom and it's wonderful that you have joined us once again to explore and really dig deep into God's word. Through this week, we have looked into free will, we've looked into how free will is given to us as a gift. Yesterday, we focused on how we honor others even as they exercise their free will. When we look at free will once again, it's important that as we exercise this free will that we choose wisely. Every day we are presented with countless choices some that may be trivial and some fairly immense. Even with the gift of free will that has been given to us, we need to choose wisely and we need the ability to discern. When we look at an example of Moses, we see that Moses had given a solemn charge to the Israelites. He lays before them a choice, a choice between life and death, between blessing and curse and the Israelites were given this freedom to choose this path. They had to exercise this freedom wisely and discern and choose wisely. Reading from Deuteronomy chapter 30, verse 19, ‘I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I've set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.’ Now even as God's given us this gift, He also desires that we seek His guidance, His wisdom in our decision making process, that we look to Him to help us make those decisions. We discern well and as we do so, we need to actively engage our free will while we seek the wisdom and the guidance of God. For us who have the whole of God's word, all of us who are here at New Testament times, we engage our free will to study scripture so that we can choose wisely. When we study scripture what happens? We actually understand God's character, we understand His principles, we understand His will for our lives. When we dig deep into God's word, we get wisdom, we get discernment, we make choices that align to His truth. God's word serves as a lamp to our feet, that's a very familiar verse to us, ‘Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path.’ His word gives us clarity, it gives us direction even in the midst of challenges. So, through the promises that's contained in the scriptures, we are equipped to discern and to make wise choices. The psalmist as he declares that, he's emphasizing the power of God's word in guiding our decisions and our actions. So, as we immerse ourselves in scripture, in God's word, we gain insight into what we need to do, into His purposes, into His desire for our lives. So, through submission and obedience to the word of God, we position ourselves to experience God's blessings and fulfill those purposes. So, let us prayerfully seek God's wisdom, study His word, submit to His word so that we can engage our free will to make decisions that honor God and align with His purposes. Let's pray together, Heavenly Father, we thank you for your word that helps us to make wise choices. Give us the ability to delve deep into your word so that we will discern every choice that we need to make. We pray that you will equip us by your word, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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Daily devotions to strengthen your faith each day. Daily Devotional for Spirit filled living. Each daily devotion is about five minutes in duration. These daily devotionals are centered around a weekly theme. So there are seven daily devotions that focus on the theme and bring you insight, understanding and revelation from the Bible. Each week’s theme is listed as a series. So you can listen to the current week’s devotions or go to any previous theme/series that speaks to your present need (https://apcwo.org/resources/daily-devotions ). Also available free sermons (https://apcwo.org/sermons), and free Christian books (https://apcwo.org/books) to nourish and strengthen your faith.

Series:Free Will
Duration:5 mins 1 sec

All Peoples Church in Bangalore is a Spirit-filled, Word-based, Bible-believing Christian fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ desiring more of His presence and supernatural power bringing transformation, healing, miracles, and deliverance. We preach the full Gospel, equip believers to live out our new life in Christ, welcome the Charismatic and Pentecostal expressions in the assembly of God and serve in strengthening unity across all Christian churches. All free resources, sermons, daily devotionals, and free Christian books are provided for the strengthening of all believers in the Body of Christ. Join our services live at APC YouTube Channel. For further equipping, please visit APC Bible College.


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