Mon, Jan 20, 2014
The Kingdom of God is a major theme through the Bible. Jesus began His earthly ministry proclaiming the arrival of the Kingdom of heaven. During His final days before His ascension, He taught concerning the Kingdom of God. We must understand that this Kingdom is within us. We must recognize that we are sons and daughters of the Kingdom, sown as good seed into this world. This study will teach you how to live and operate out of a "Kingdom of God" perspective. Today on Living Strong, we focus on the theme 'The Church and the Kingdom'
Mon, Jan 13, 2014
The Kingdom of God is a major theme through the Bible. Jesus began His earthly ministry proclaiming the arrival of the Kingdom of heaven. During His final days before His ascension, He taught concerning the Kingdom of God. We must understand that this Kingdom is within us. We must recognize that we are sons and daughters of the Kingdom, sown as good seed into this world. This study will teach you how to live and operate out of a "Kingdom of God" perspective. Today on Living Strong, we focus on the theme
'The King and His Kingdom'
Mon, Jan 06, 2014
In the Word of the Lord for 2014 we are encouraged to "Enlarge! Expand! Hold Nothing Back!". The rest of Isaiah 54 bear key promises that empower us as we make this journey: Barrenness will be broken. God will do an unusual work. There will be no shame or disgrace as you pursue this. God is so committed to you. You are in a new season of great mercy. God will do an extra-ordinary work. You are protected!
Mon, Dec 30, 2013
There is a name that is matchless, a name that is above every other name. A name that brings salvation, healing, deliverance and the power of God into our lives. Its a name that calms our fears, breaks our bondages and sets the captive free. Its a name that causes demons to tremble. Its a name that commands three worlds-heaven, earth and hell. Its a name that is as powerful when whispered from the feeble lips of the least of us, as when angels sing of its glory. It's the wonderful name of Jesus.
Mon, Dec 23, 2013
Have you wondered what God is really like? Is God just an abstract concept, just some mystical force out there that we’d never get to know personally? Is God a really mad and bad person or is God a good, kind, loving person? What is the true picture of God? Does anyone really know? Today on Living Strong! we discuss the true picture of God, the image of the invisible God revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. Stay tuned!
Mon, Dec 16, 2013
Are we really free? In a world where we pay such a great price for freedom, we still seem to be prisoners of ourselves, our behaviors, self-destructive habits, fears, enslaving emotions, violent tempers, secret addictions and more. In the concluding part of this series “Free at Last”, we continue our discussion on 'Emotionally Free', and learn how to be free from emotional bondages. Be blessed!
Mon, Dec 09, 2013
Are we really free? In a world where we pay such a great price for freedom, we still seem to be prisoners of ourselves, our behaviors, self-destructive habits, fears, enslaving emotions, violent tempers, secret addictions and more. In the part IV of this series “Free at Last”, we talk about the topic, 'Emotionally Free', and learn how to be free from emotional bondages. Be blessed!
Mon, Dec 02, 2013
Are we really free? In a world where we pay such a great price for freedom, we still seem to be prisoners of ourselves, our behaviours, self-destructive habits, fears, enslaving emotions, violent tempers, secret addictions and more. In the part III of this series “Free at Last”, we continue to discuss on the topic 'Free to be me' and learn how to be free from compulsive and controlling behaviours. Be blessed!
Mon, Nov 25, 2013
Are we really free? In a world where we pay such a great price for freedom, we still seem to be prisoners of ourselves, our behaviours, self-destructive habits, fears, enslaving emotions, violent tempers, secret addictions and more. In the part II of this series “Free at Last”, we discuss on the topic 'Free to be me' and learn how to be free from compulsive and controlling behaviours. Be blessed!
Mon, Nov 18, 2013
Are we really free? In a world where we pay such a great price for freedom, we still seem to be prisoners of ourselves, our behaviours, self-destructive habits, fears, enslaving emotions, violent tempers, secret addictions and more. In the part I of this series “Free at Last” we discuss on What is freedom? And candidly talk about the prisons that all of us face and the power that can truly set us free! Be blessed!