Sermons church in Bangalore

How To Win Souls and Make Disciples - Soul Winning and Personal Evangelism

How To Win Souls and Make Disciples - Soul Winning and Personal Evangelism

In this sermon series on how to win souls and make disciples, we share simple Biblical and practical strategies for sharing the Gospel, in one-on-one soul winning and personal evangelism leading to discipleship. The Lord Jesus commissioned us to go, preach the Gospel to every person and to make disciples of all nations. Soul winning (sometimes also referred to as personal evangelism) is the responsibility of every believer. In this four part sermon series we use Biblical examples to help us develop strategies for soul winning and personal evangelism. In Invite And Pray (Sermon 1), we use the example of Philip's invitation to Nathanael and his encounter with Jesus. Literally, one invitation given to someone to consider Jesus, can change their lives forever. This is the simplest and easiest way for all of us to engage in winning souls and making disciples. We share some practical thoughts on how to extend and invitation and pray for people to encounter Jesus. In Connect and Impact (Sermon 2) we use the incident of the Lord Jesus meeting the woman at the well in Samaria and provide another strategy for evangelism. Connect with people based on things they can relate to. Impact their lives with the supernatural power of God. Disciple new believers. Teach them God's Truth. Train them in spiritual Disciplines. Connect them with Christian Fellowship. Equip them to Serve. In Understand and Reason (Sermon 3), we learn a third strategy on how to share Christ with others by looking at how Paul the apostle engaged with people at Athens, the then intellectual capital of the world. In Witness and Demonstrate (Sermon 4) we motivate believers to expect signs and wonders as a means to help people encounter Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus has commissioned each of us to be His witnesses with the power of the Holy Spirit. We are to witness with the way we live and with what we say. We are to demonstrate the power and love of the Lord! This sermon series is sure to enrich you personally, as well your small group or local church. Feel free to use these.

The free audio (mp3) and video of this expository teaching includes free printable PDF sermon outlines, sermon notes and small group study guide with discussion questions and presentation slides. All resources (sermon PDF, sermon MP3, sermon video, sermon presentation) are free for use in personal study, small groups, Bible study prayer groups, local churches, conferences, Bible colleges, etc.

Key words: Soul Winning, Evangelism, Sharing the Gospel, Personal Evangelism, Making Disciples, sermons, sermon notes, sermon outline, free sermon notes, free sermon outlines, Bible study resources.


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