Sermons church in Bangalore
Oct 05, 2014

The Radical Disciple

In this sermon we review and highlight the 8 marks of the radical disciple: 1. Non-Conformity, 2. Christlikeness, 3. Maturity, 4. Creation Care, 5. Simplicity, 6. Balance, 7. Dependence, 8. Death. Be challenged as you listen to this message.
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We will review what was covered in Church Camp Oct 2-4, Theme: Deeper & Higher.

We went through John Stott's book, "The Radical Disciple" where John Stott pointed out 8 characteristics of a disciple of Jesus Christ.

1. Non-Conformity
2. Christlikeness
3. Maturity
4. Creation Care
5. Simplicity
6. Balance
7. Dependence
8. Death

We present a brief highlight of each:

1, Non-Conformity
Romans 12:1,2 John 17:16

The world is characterized by:
1. Pluralism, whereas as believers we stand for absolute truth
2. Materialism whereas we do not let money and things control us
3. Ethical relativism whereas we stand for moral absolutes
4. Narcissism where as believers we learn to deny self and live for Christ

2, Christlikeness

Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18

God's will is for every believer to be Christlike.

We are to be like Christ in His humility (Philippians 2:5-8).
We are to be like Christ in His service (John 13:14-15).
We are to be like Christ in His love (Ephesians 5:2)
We are to be like Christ in His patient endurance (1 Peter 2:18,21)
We are to be like Christ in His mission (John 17:18, John 20:21)

3, Maturity
Colossians 1:28-29

To be mature, really is to be Christlike, to live out of our life in Christ.
We are to grow up in all things to be like Him.

4, Creation Care
Psalm 115:16

God has put this earth in our care.
Out of our love for our Creator-God we take care of His creation.
We engage in meaningful ways in protecting and conserving the earth and its resources.

5, Simplicity
2 Corinthians 1:12

A disciples we voluntarily choose a simple lifestyle.
We intentionally avoid the lure of accumulation and overcomplicating our lives.

“always hold the Kingdom of God as the number one priority of our lives. To do so is to live in simplicity.”

6, Balance
Based on 1 Peter 2:1-17 we see several aspects of Christian life

as newborn babies we are called to spiritual growth
as living stones to fellowship
as holy priests to worship
as God’s own people to witness
as aliens and strangers to holiness
as servants of God to citizenship (a useful life in the world we live).

As disciples we need to maintain a balance in all of these aspects of Christian living.

7, Dependence
Galatians 6:1-5

A disciple know how to carry his own burdens (tasks) while at the same time learning to be dependent on others to help him carry his burdens (weights), and at the same time helping others carry their burdens. This helps us truly be a family.

8, Death
John 12:23-25

the road to life is death

Six areas where we see this at work : our salvation, discipleship, mission, persecution, martyrdom and mortality.

Salvation : a death to sin through identification with Christ
Discipleship : a death to self as we follow Christ
Mission : a death to comforts, ambition, etc. in missions
Persecution & Martyrdom : a death to security in the experience of persecution and of martyrdom
Mortality : a death to this world as we prepare for our final destiny

Death is the end. Yet in every situation death is the way to life. So if we want to live we must die.

Can we embrace these, and choose to grow up into being radical disciples of Jesus Christ?

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