There are realms of authority that we have and can walk in. While it is true that most of us may have not walked in these realms before, it is time for us to learn what is available for us as believers and press in to enter and walk in these realms.
In Christian history there have been individuals who have walked in demonstration of great authority. So also in present day ministry there are instances when there are high points or high water marks of such testimonies. The Lord Jesus Christ and His earthly life and ministry is our standard and model that we must pattern ourselves after. We must continue to press in to walk in authority even as He walked.
Authority Over Demonic Powers
While we discuss about demonic powers and their activities, we do not live in “demon paranoia”. We are not afraid of demons and their activity. We are bold and fearless against the enemy because we know the greater One is in us.
We do not live our lives being “demon conscious” all the time. We don’t go around looking for demons, or blaming demons for everything that happens. Rather we live our lives always conscious of who our God is and who we are in Him.
The purpose of learning about the enemy is so that we recognize his activities and know how to successfully over throw what the devil is doing. God does not want us to be ignorant of the devils schemes 2 Corinthians 2:11
Luke10:19 Mark 16:17a
Demonic Works
1 John 3:8, Acts 10:38
A, Sicknesses & disease
B, Situations : demons can cause hindrances, confusions, disturbances, etc.
Demonic Influences
A, Over People : Oppression, Deception, Spiritual blindness
B, Over Demonic Influence in World Systems : Political, Business, Family, Media, Arts & Entertainment,
C, Over Geographic Regions : e.g. Philippi
D, Over Demonic Habitations
E, Over Objects & Artifacts : e.g. Ephesus Acts 19 , Deuteronomy 7:25,26
F, Over Occult Expressions : Curses, Witchcraft, Sorcery, etc.
G, Over Organizations and Institutions
Doctrines of Demons
A, False Cults : With the truth of God’s Word, the anointing of the Spirit and the authority God has given us, we can release people who are taken captive by false doctrines
1 Timothy 4:1-3, 2 Timothy 2:24-26
B, Messengers of Satan
Acts 13:6-12 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
Authority Over Sickness, Disease & Death
Matthew 10:1,7,8
John G. Lake
Authority Over Circumstances and Situations
Authority Over Natural Elements
John 14:12
The Perimeters Of Our Spiritual Authority
Luke 9:51-56
Matthew 17:14-21
Possible reasons for failure:
Proper Response To Failure:
Matthew 11:12
Next Sunday : Exercising Our Authority : Preparation
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