Sermons church in Bangalore
In this final message in this series, we discuss four other key elements in exercising our spiritual authority. These include (4)Prophetic prayers, decrees and actions (5)Corporate power, (6) Angelic assistance and (7)Authority gateways. We are encouraged to exercise our spiritual authority in all spheres of life including our personal lives, families, when ministering to others, in organizations and over regions (Communities, Cities, Nations, etc.)
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We will cover:
  1. 1. The Weapons Of Our Warfare
  2. 2. Defensive - Exercising Authority To Protect & Prevent
  3. 3. Offensive - Exercising Authority To Attack
  4. 4. Prayers, Prophetic Decrees And Actions
  5. 5. Corporate Power
  6. 6. Calling AAA – Assisting Angels on Assignment
  7. 7. Authority Gateways
We covered 1-3 last Sunday and will complete 4-7 this Sunday.

4, Prophetic Prayers, Decrees And Actions
The natural and spiritual are closely interconnected. An action in the natural has spiritual repercussions. Changes in the spiritual have an impact in the natural course of events.

There are times when individuals, communities, cities and nations have sinned, done things or failed to do certain things which have left open doors to the enemy, and also hindered the flow of God’s blessing and protection.

Some of these things may be understood by looking at history and some may be revealed by the Spirit of God. God may lead us to
  • pray prayers of repentance, welcome the fulfillment of God’s promises
  • make decrees that release blessing, reverse curses
  • or do things that bring spiritual change
Prophetic Prayers including Identification Repentance and Confession
Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:5-11) Daniel (Daniel 9:4-19)

Prophetic Decrees
Jeremiah 1:10

Prophetic Actions
Restitution for past wrongs
Forgiveness and Reconciliation for past hostility

5, Corporate Power
Matthew 16:18,19 Matthew 18:18-20
Here we learn to engage the enemy as a team/corporately.
Jesus sent His disciples out two by two to go out heal the sick and cast out devils.
Also, when we gather together corporately we tap into a greater measure of anointing to minister.

6, Calling AAA – Assisting Angels on Assignment
There are different kinds of angels sent to assist us as believers in what we have to do for God. We invite their involvement in our activities.

Hebrews 1:14

Guardian Angels Psalm 34:7
Messenger Angels Matthew 2:13,19
Warring Angels 2 Kings 19:35, 2 Chronicles 32:21
Assisting Angels Genesis 24:7
(Can just make reference to the above examples. No need to turn to each one)

7, Authority Gateways
God-given spiritual authority flows through God-appointed authority gateways
  • Husband – head of the wife and family 1Corinthians 7:14, 1 Corinthians 11:10,11
  • Pastor – head over the local church Hebrews 13:7,17
  • Government Leaders, officials – head over the people Romans 13:1-4
  • Similar authority gateways in other social structures
If you are in a position of authority:
  • You can exercise spiritual authority on behalf of those under your realm of influence
  • keep in mind that what you do affects those under you. When you open the door to sin, the devil not only gains entrance into your life, but he now also has the potential to influence  those below you in the same area. 1 Chronicles 21:1-13
To those of us under authority:
  • The strength of our authority is dependent on the degree of submission to the authority above us
  • We need to pray and under gird those above us to strengthen them
  • We need to keep watch on those above us to ensure that no sin that they commit filters down to us
Exercising Authority In Different Spheres

We must use and exercise authority in all spheres of our lives:
  • In Our Personal Lives
  • In Our Families
  • When Ministering To Others
  • In Organizations (Churches, Ministries, Businesses, etc.)
  • Over Regions (Communities, Cities, Nations, etc.)

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