We are called to have "communion" with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit desires to commune with us.
What is "communion"?
Greek word for "communion" is 'koinonia' which means to share all things, having things in common, partaking with each other, partnership, to fellowship.
Communion is fellowship and partnership.
We are in a close fellowship with the Holy Spirit, so that we partake (share, experience) His thoughts and feelings and also partake of His gifts and graces which He imparts.
Today we wish to address two questions:
How do we commune with the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is a Person. The Holy Spirit is not an "It", but a "Person".
Whenever Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit, He referred to the Holy Spirit as "He".
The Holy Spirit has intellect/mind, will, emotions, He speaks, etc.
As believers, the Holy Spirit is always WITH us, IN us and UPON us. (We'll discuss more about these in the coming weeks).
To commune with the Holy Spirit is to fellowship with Him and to be in partnership with Him. Here are some practical ways to develop communion with the Holy Spirit:
#1, RECOGNIZE & ENJOY His presence
Talk to Him.
Recognize Him with you, working in you and working through you.
Welcome Him, worship Him, adore Him, thank Him.
Share your thoughts, feelings, requests, etc. with the Holy Spirit.
When you are about to do something, simply whisper a prayer (or within you say) "Holy Spirit please lead me and guide me as I do this".
When you are faced with temptation, "Holy Spirit, please help me to resist and overcome"
When you are about to take on a challenge, "Holy Spirit, please empower me while I do this"
When you need wisdom to plan, solve a problem, etc., "Holy Spirit, please impart wisdom in this. Show me the mind of God for this situation".
...etc...etc..in whatever situation you are in tune in, talk to the Holy Spirit.
Dreams and visions - the pictures in our mind, are part of the language of the Holy Spirit. This is an important way in which the Holy Spirit speaks and how we speak to the Holy Spirit.
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to fill your mind with the visions and dreams that God has for a particular situation, project, objective, purpose, etc.
When you are believing God for something, have a mental picture (vision and dream) of that end objective, the outcome that you are believing God for and ask the Holy Spirit to flow through your visions and dreams and bring it into reality.
There are times when you can sense the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit. In such moments, thank Him "Holy Spirit, I can feel your presence here. Thank you so much".
Invite more of Him. "Holy Spirit I need more of You. Fill me afreash. Anoint me afreash."
Listen to Him.
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30)
Do not quench (Gr. extinguish) the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19)
Be obedient to Him. Obey His promptings and you will begin to receive more of His leading coming through to your life.
This is being in partnership with Him. He is the "Senior Partner" and we are His junior partners to carry out what He decides.
We are one with Him. We must not consider ourselves apart from Him or operate apart from Him, but instead operate in union with Him.
Stay aligned to Him - everything in me, must be aligned to who He is, what He feels, what He desires, and what He wishes to be done.
#3, GLORIFY Jesus
The Holy Spirit is here to glorify Jesus (John 16:14). When we go about glorifying Jesus, He gets involved.
Keep your thoughts and motives pure - always that which glorifies the Lord and is pleasing to Him.
Don't do anything to promote self. Keep self, selfish ambitions, self recognition, self promotion, etc. out of the way. Remember, the flesh always opposes the work of the Spirit.
The Spirit and the Word always agree (1 John 5:7). The Spirit and the Word are always in unison. So everything that the Holy Spirit does always is aligned to God's Word and glorifies/exalts the Word (Jesus).
#4, Maintain spiritual COMPOSURE
Don't let your spirit get "agitated".
The Holy Spirit is gentle like a dove. He alights on those who walk in gentleness.
Always stay calm in your spirit.
Regardless of the situations around you always walk with strength, confidence, courage, boldness, a sense of militancy, humility, meekness, calmness, politeness, love - in your spirit.
The fruit of the spirit is "self control". Self control does not mean i have no emotions or won't show emotions - but that even in the midst of all that, my spirit is at "rest" in Him.
What will Communion with the Holy Spirit do for/to/in us?
#1, Intimacy
Fellowship with the Holy Spirit is really intimacy with God. It is connecting to the heart of God, each moment.
It is us abiding in Him and He abiding in us.
Fruitfulness is birthed out of intimacy (John 15:4).
#2, Revelation & Knowledge
We are able to receive and understand the things of God, what God is speaking to us. We are led into all truth.
John 16:13, 1 Corinthians 2:9,10
#3, Empowering
We begin to experience more of His empowering in all areas of life, as we become more and more dependent on Him.
My 'finiteness' gets absorbed into His 'infiniteness'
The Holy Spirit is unlimited. I am limited. As I partner with Him, my limitations get lost in what He is able to do in and through me.
I begin to walk in the righteousness, peace and joy that come from Him (Romans 14:17)
#4, Co-workers
We are now co-workers with God.
We become His transformation agents here on earth, since we work together with Him to execute His purposes.
We can compare our relationship to the Holy Spirit to a big reservoir.
Imagine a huge reservoir of water.
If you tap into the reservoir with a small pipe, all you may get is a little trickle of water.
However if you plug into the reservoir with a huge pipe, you can get rivers of gushing water.
It all depends on how we tap into the reservoir.
"Communion" with the Holy Spirit is us tapping into the reservoir of His presence within us.
Jesus said that "rivers of living water" would flow out of our inner-most being (John 7:37-39). The Holy Spirit is within us like a limitless reservoir. We need to let "Him" flow out like might torrents. But this depends on how we "connect" or "commune" with Him.
So grow in your communion - your personal fellowship and partnership with the Holy Spirit.
In the coming weeks we will explore more of the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
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