Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
by Ps Jeyakumar Isaiah

Hello and welcome to Living Supernaturally, it is wonderful to meet, study the word of God, to be encouraged by the word of God and to be inspired and challenged by the word of God as well. Today, we are looking at the different ways by which we as believers can minister healing because that is what God desires for us. He desires that we walk in power, signs, wonders, and miracles, that we do the same things that Jesus did, even as we minister and share the gospel. We see that one of the ways by which we can minister healing is through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When we look at 1 Corinthians chapter 12, verses 7-12, list out the various gifts of the Holy Spirit. We see gifts like the word of knowledge, faith, of healing, and working of miracles all these mentioned here. These gifts of the Spirit bring about healing and a miracle that is needed in a person. We see that it could be a combination of gifts, it could be a word of knowledge, informing or calling out that condition in a person and accompanied by gifts of healing, bringing about the change or maybe, a gift of working of miracle is required and that is brought about again, maybe it requires a gift of great faith to operate in order to bring about that change in a person’s body. It works in combination, and it could work separately as well. But we see that God works through the gifts of the Spirit. We see that the gifts of the Spirit are really a manifestation of the Spirit, an expression of the Spirit. What do these gifts and the manifestation tell us? They tell us what God’s will is, when it comes to these kinds of conditions or these kinds of sicknesses. They tell us that God is interested, and God wants to heal, and He cares for that person, so it is really the manifestation/ expression of the presence, power, desire, and the will of God for that person. This is what we need to do on our part, we need to desire spiritual gifts, which is what we see in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 and verse 1, where Paul writes and he says, ‘pursue love and desire spiritual gifts.’ The word desire in the Greek means strong desire, be zealous for spiritual gifts. The question for us is how zealous are we for spiritual gifts? It is not wrong to be zealous for spiritual gifts, in fact it is scriptural to be zealous. But why do we do this? When we look at 1 Corinthians chapter 12, verse 7, it says ‘But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.’ It is for the edification, for blessing another person and therefore it is scriptural, we must desire these spiritual gifts and that these gifts be manifest, that the expression of the Holy Spirit is there, bringing about healing in a person. As we minister in healing, we can desire for these gifts of the Spirit to be manifest. Shall we pray? Father, we thank you, that you have designed so wonderfully these things in the body of Christ. We thank you that these gifts of the Spirit are an expression/ manifestation of your Spirit in a tangible way and an outworking of the Spirit. We thank you that you choose to do this in us and through us, so that people might be blessed, so that it is for the profit/ benefit of all. We pray that we will have the same heart of humility, even as we press in and desire the outworking of your gift in and through us, we give you all the praise and glory at this time, in Jesus’s matchless name we pray, Amen.

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Daily devotions to strengthen your faith each day. Daily Devotional for Spirit filled living. Each daily devotion is about five minutes in duration. These daily devotionals are centered around a weekly theme. So there are seven daily devotions that focus on the theme and bring you insight, understanding and revelation from the Bible. Each week’s theme is listed as a series. So you can listen to the current week’s devotions or go to any previous theme/series that speaks to your present need (https://apcwo.org/resources/daily-devotions ). Also available free sermons (https://apcwo.org/sermons), and free Christian books (https://apcwo.org/books) to nourish and strengthen your faith.

Duration:5 mins 13 secs

All Peoples Church in Bangalore is a Spirit-filled, Word-based, Bible-believing Christian fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ desiring more of His presence and supernatural power bringing transformation, healing, miracles, and deliverance. We preach the full Gospel, equip believers to live out our new life in Christ, welcome the Charismatic and Pentecostal expressions in the assembly of God and serve in strengthening unity across all Christian churches. All free resources, sermons, daily devotionals, and free Christian books are provided for the strengthening of all believers in the Body of Christ. Join our services live at APC YouTube Channel. For further equipping, please visit APC Bible College.


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