Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
by Ps Nancy Ramya

Hello everyone, welcome! We will continue to meditate on God’s word today. For us to focus on, I have a scripture from Jeremiah chapter 17, verse 14, where Jeremiah calls out, he says, ‘Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise.’ Jeremiah here was a prophet to Judah and he is calling the people of Judah to repentance and to a place of surrender. In the circumstances that the people were going through, Jeremiah knew that there is only one place from where their deliverance is going to break forth and that is from God, from the power of God, from the goodness of God and so, he is pointing the people to God as their source. He is making a prayer and here is a cry from Jeremiah where he says, ‘heal me, O Lord and I shall be healed’. In other words, he is saying, God, I’m going to be healed when you heal me or the fact that you are the source of my healing and so, I’m only seeking you and then he goes on to say, save me and I shall be saved. He is saying, God, you are my deliverance, my deliverance has to come from you, otherwise, it is not going to come from anywhere else, ultimately, you are the source and then he says, for you are my praise. In that difficult situation, he says, you are the healer and deliverer and because of that, you are the one that I praise. What Jeremiah is doing is that he is demonstrating complete dependance on God and inviting the people to do the same and look to God for whatever need they have. Something we learn from this prayer is the fact that we must have a heart of dependance on God, we must have a heart that is surrendered to God, that sees God as everything, that sees God as that only source from where we are going to receive our nourishment, our satisfaction and everything that we need to give us peace, joy and the refreshing that we so desire. This kind of a prayer is also demonstrating the fact that there is a heart of humility, repentance and yielding to the Lord. So, as we consider this prayer, I want to also remind us that this is nothing new, as the people of God cried out to God in this passage and several passages in the word of God, we know that God came through for them. Even when we look into church history, there have bene prayers that people have made that demonstrate a heart of humility, dependance, repentance and surrender to God. I just want to read out some of those prayers. A famous prayer that was the beginning of a mighty revival is ‘Lord, bend us.’ This was the prayer that people began to pray as they sought God for the Welsh revival and this was prayed by a preacher known as William Burns. This prayer simply meant in the Scottish language that one was yielding themselves to God and saying you just work in my life, whatever you want to do, you do and that is what ‘Lord, bend me’ meant to the Scottish people. It began with William Burns and we know that later on Evan Roberts began to pray and several others began to pray this prayer and there was the mighty outpouring of the Welsh revival upon the people. During the times of Charles Finney, Isaiah chapter 64, verse 1 was a prayer that people prayed, where the people said, ‘O God, rend the heavens and come down’, where they desired God and depended wholly on God and cried out to God and that is the prayer which was prayed during Charles Finney’s times. Charles Wesley during the 18th century, he prayed a prayer which said, ‘Lord, make us a house of prayer’. So, again, depending on the Lord, crying unto the Lord and we know that a mighty work of God was done during these times. Several Christians over the centuries have prayed prayers such as Lord, send revival, let it begin with me, let it begin in me and there have been hymns, songs written about yielding to God. One very famous one was written by William Mackay where he writes, ‘revive us again, O Lord’. We as God’s people, let us have a heart that is surrendered to God, that is completely depending on the Lord and that is a devoted heart and let us seek for that devoted heart. Let’s pray together, Heavenly Father, we thank you that you are the true vine and we as your branches, we receive life from you and we depend on you. Let our hearts be completely seeking you, our eyes are fixed on you and we pray that everything that concerns us, your hand will be upon it and let your glory be revealed, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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Duration:6 mins 36 secs

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