Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
by Ps Nancy Ramya

Hello everyone, we continue to meditate on the subject of healing. We’ve talked about the fact that we as believers are in a covenant with God, that healing is the children’s bread which has been readily offered to us. So, we can press in, ask God, believe Him and receive it into our lives. Today, I just want to encourage us, it maybe possible that some of us are holding onto God, believing and trusting God for healing to manifest, whether it is in our bodies or minds and sometimes as we read the way Jesus ministered, healing used to happen instantaneously, but then there are times when we need to press in for a while before we see healing. Then of course, there are times when healing happens continuously in small improvements. However, the thing that is required of us is to stay on course, continue to trust God, till we see the healing made manifest. Let’s not get discouraged if we have not yet experienced the kind of healing, we’ve been asking God for. The bible also tells us that we receive from God not only healing but anything through faith. We need to build our faith in order to receive from God. To build our faith, one must mediate in the word of God because faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. The word of God is the source that is going to increase our faith. When we look at Proverbs chapter 4, verses 20 to 22, it encourages us to keep the word of God in the midst of our heart, to pay full attention to the word of God because it says that the word of God is life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. As we deposit the word of God into our hearts, one of the things that will happen is the life of God will be released even to our flesh because through the word we get life and we also receive health to all our flesh, this is in Proverbs chapter 4, verses 20 through 22. We are aware that the word of God is living and powerful, Hebrews chapter 4, verse 12 tells us that God’s word is an active agent, it is not inert. Whenever we engage in the word of God, something that begins to happen is that the power of the word begins to work in the heart of the person who believes. As we meditate on God’s word and testimonies in the word of God where people were healed and delivered, what begins to happens is that the word gets into us and releases health to our flesh and begins to rise our faith level. As our faith rises up, we look at what Jesus said, ‘if you have faith, you can move mountains.’ If you have faith, then things are done in the kingdom of God. As we receive faith in our hearts for healing, we will see the improvements start showing up, we will see different things taking place in our health, we can glorify, honor and thank God and all this will take place because of the deposit of God’s word. I also want to remind us as we look at Psalm chapter 107, verse 20, it says, ‘He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.’ The way God chooses to deliver us is by sending His word. Let’s hold on to the word of God. I encourage us to search the scriptures, enlist some passages on healing, meditate on it daily, speak it, declare it and pray it through and surely life and healing will be made manifest in our bodies. Let’s pray together, Father, we thank you for your powerful word in our lives. Even as we take time to meditate on your word, I pray let the power of the word, let it breakthrough every weakness, every discomfort, every abnormality in the name of Jesus and let the power of God be very real and demonstrated. We speak health and wholeness over each one listening, in Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.

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Daily devotions to strengthen your faith each day. Daily Devotional for Spirit filled living. Each daily devotion is about five minutes in duration. These daily devotionals are centered around a weekly theme. So there are seven daily devotions that focus on the theme and bring you insight, understanding and revelation from the Bible. Each week’s theme is listed as a series. So you can listen to the current week’s devotions or go to any previous theme/series that speaks to your present need (https://apcwo.org/resources/daily-devotions ). Also available free sermons (https://apcwo.org/sermons), and free Christian books (https://apcwo.org/books) to nourish and strengthen your faith.

Duration:5 mins 52 secs

All Peoples Church in Bangalore is a Spirit-filled, Word-based, Bible-believing Christian fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ desiring more of His presence and supernatural power bringing transformation, healing, miracles, and deliverance. We preach the full Gospel, equip believers to live out our new life in Christ, welcome the Charismatic and Pentecostal expressions in the assembly of God and serve in strengthening unity across all Christian churches. All free resources, sermons, daily devotionals, and free Christian books are provided for the strengthening of all believers in the Body of Christ. Join our services live at APC YouTube Channel. For further equipping, please visit APC Bible College.


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