Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
by Ps Nancy Ramya

Welcome everyone, thank you for joining us again. We're talking about ingredients for success and today we are going to consider an attitude. It's an attitude to be open to learning new things and to grow. There is a wonderful scripture from Ecclesiastes chapter 10 and verse 10, it says, ‘if the ax is dull, and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success.’ How true! We will put in too much of effort, expend a lot of energy if we use a blunt knife, but if we just sharpen the knife, it makes our work that much easier. And what this passage is telling us is that we must sharpen our skills, that we must hone our skills. God has blessed every single one of us with gifts, with talents, with abilities, the things that one person can do, another person is not able to do. But you know, each one is blessed in their own way. Now thank God for the blessings that He has given us, but we are the stewards of the grace of God, we are the stewards of the gift that God has given us, and it is our responsibility to keep getting better at it, whatever that is. Maybe some of us are good in language, some of us might be good in music, some of us might be good in the area of arts, but we have to keep getting better and that's the point. An attitude where we're willing to learn and keep growing, that's the attitude that will take us really far. I want us to consider the life of David, we talked so much about his first battle with Goliath and how he used a slingshot in order to bring down a mighty giant. But you know what? In his lifetime, David did not continue using just the slingshot, later on, we see him using swords, we see him commanding his mighty men, we see him strategizing and all the other abilities which are required for him to win bigger battles, thankfully David grew into those things. We, as professionals and even in church, in various things concerning our lives, we can keep growing and we must not remain in the same place. We also see that God is somebody who anoints people with skill, and he wants us to be sharp and excellent in our skill. In fact, in the Book of Exodus, the people who were working on the house of God, we read that God gave skillful men, skillful craftsmen, skillful men who could work in the field of art. So, God really wants us to become sharper with what He has given us. So, can we do that? Can we just have that open heart to say, I want to get better? I want to learn something new. I don't want to be doing things the same way that I was doing yesterday and I'm going to do things in a new way. Shall we just pray together? Heavenly Father, we thank you, for your blessing upon our lives and we pray that you will give us wisdom, you will give us many open doors that we can be creative, we can challenge ourselves and we can do better tomorrow as compared to what we have done yesterday. Thank you for helping us, in Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.

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Daily devotions to strengthen your faith each day. Daily Devotional for Spirit filled living. Each daily devotion is about five minutes in duration. These daily devotionals are centered around a weekly theme. So there are seven daily devotions that focus on the theme and bring you insight, understanding and revelation from the Bible. Each week's theme is listed as a series. So you can listen to the current week's devotions or go to any previous theme/series that speaks to your present need (https://apcwo.org/resources/daily-devotions ). Also available free sermons (https://apcwo.org/sermons), and free Christian books (https://apcwo.org/books) to nourish and strengthen your faith.
Duration:4 mins 25 secs

All Peoples Church in Bangalore is a Spirit-filled, Word-based, Bible-believing Christian fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ desiring more of His presence and supernatural power bringing transformation, healing, miracles, and deliverance. We preach the full Gospel, equip believers to live out our new life in Christ, welcome the Charismatic and Pentecostal expressions in the assembly of God and serve in strengthening unity across all Christian churches. All free resources, sermons, daily devotionals, and free Christian books are provided for the strengthening of all believers in the Body of Christ. Join our services live at APC YouTube Channel. For further equipping, please visit APC Bible College.


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