Greetings! and thank you for the opportunity to come to you and share the word of God with you. This week, I'm just sharing some stories from my life, the early days, just reflecting on God's work in my life and I hope that these things will bring encouragement to you and inspire you. One of the things that happened in those early days and again, I'm going back to the year 1982 was something amazing, that year I received a bible, a study bible and in those times to get that kind of a study bible would have been very expensive. It came to me from my father's mother, my grandmother on my father's side and that was very, very special. I was born in 1968, but a few years before that, my grandmother on my father's side, she bought this Bible and I think the year was 1963, If I remember correctly. In 1963 she wrote in that Bible; this Bible must be passed on to the descendants of Sunder Raj Raichur, that's the name of my grandmother, to anyone who goes into the ministry and the work of the Lord. She wrote that in 1963 and she said this Bible must be given to anyone who goes into the ministry of the Lord, and she left it with my aunt who was living in the United States. Now, I don't know how God orchestrated all this, but that year in 1982, my aunt heard about what God was doing in my life and she sent that bible, and it came into my hands. I can tell you that that changed my life because I started using that bible to read the word of God but also to study the word of God. I would spend many, many hours in the word of God studying the word of God and learning from that study bible. But what I want to highlight here is just how amazing God is, that He would plan something like this even before I was born, that He would put it in the heart of my grandmother, to buy that bible, to write those words, leave it with my aunt and she passed away and then after almost 20 years, that bible comes into my hands and helps me prepare for the work that God had called me to do. That is how amazing our God is but what I do want to emphasize is today, of course, we have many study bibles available, bibles on our phones, bibles on our computers, it's so easy, in those days, it was not that easy to get a study bible. Today we have many study bibles but what I want to emphasize is this the importance of the word of God. In Acts chapter 20, verse 32, Paul said, ‘I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, it is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.’ That time in the word, that growing in the word, the feeding on the word is what will build you up and take you into the inheritance, into all that God has for your life. So, immerse yourself in God's holy word, it will build you up. As you dive into the word, it will lift you up. Let's pray, Father, we ask that you help us grow in your word and prepare for all that you have for us, in Jesus’s name, Amen.
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