Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
Thu, Feb 03, 2022

Honorable (Daily Devotional)

by Ps Nancy Ramya

Hello everyone, welcome back to living supernaturally. We're talking about serving well, we're talking about aspects that will help us honor God and today I want to touch on the word ‘honor’ itself. Whatever service we're bringing to God, let that be an honorable service. There are a couple of scriptures that Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, and I'd like to read them out first, 2 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 3, he says, ‘we give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed.’ First Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 30, ‘give no offense either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God.’ In these verses, Paul is talking to the Corinthian church and encouraging them not to give offense in any form of service that they're doing. Looking at Paul and his life, we see how careful he was such that his ministry would not be blamed and that he would not be blamed for the wrong standards. It's not just so people would know you for the right standards, but it was his personal conviction to honor the Lord with the right standards of service or ministry. Now, one example is when aid was being sent to a church in need, money was being sent to them and Paul was overseeing that, but we see that he never did it in a way that people could find fault with him. In fact, he chose honorable men, people with good testimonies to take that money and go and hand it over in a transparent way to the people in need. Paul himself for some reason, he did not engage with those financial affairs and even towards the end of his life, we see that he was caught in Jerusalem and there were many accusations made about him, that he inconvenienced the Jews and he spoke ill of the Jews and things like that. But though Paul goes under trial under governors and kings and later on the Roman emperor, you find that nobody was able to bring out anything that Paul actually did wrong. So that's the way we see the standards of ministry, set by God's people who have who have gone before us and that really challenges us and today, as we look at the things that we are doing in the words that we speak, in the examples that we share, in the attitude that we carry, the way we engage and interact with people around us, there are many things that can actually offend people or how about the law of the land, but we are called to be honorable with regard to everything. We must do our best to do an honorable service, honorable ministry, honorable in the sight of God as well as honorable in the sight of man. Let's pray that God would help us do this, let's pray together, Heavenly Father, we are so grateful that you have called us to serve you, to serve your kingdom. We pray for your wisdom in all things, that in our speech, in our conduct, in our actions that we would do things in line with your character, that it would honor your name and that we would not cause any offense, help us to serve you and glorify your name, in Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.

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Series:Serve Well
Duration:4 mins 31 secs

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