Greetings! and thank you once again for another opportunity to come to you and spend a few moments with you. This week, we're just reminding ourselves that we must live life with a purpose, and we must live for God's purpose because God has a plan, has a purpose, has a dream for each of us. That's why He designed us in a way that we will be able to fulfill the purpose that He had in mind. Now, what I want to just highlight to us today is that God prepares us for the purpose or purposes He has in mind for us. So, as we journey through life, we go through various situations and circumstances, we come across various people who influence us, who guide us, who speak into our lives, we have certain opportunities that come to us which maybe doesn't go to other people, but it comes to us and God has put those opportunities in our lives, and all of this are ways by which God prepares us. Of course, He prepares us also through the word that He's given us and the work of His Holy Spirit and through all this, God is shaping us, forming us, developing us, preparing us to carry out the purpose He has in store for us. The apostle Paul communicates it in these words in 2 Timothy chapter 2, verses 20 and 21, he says ‘in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.’ So, he's drawing this picture of a house that has many vessels, utensils and he says different utensils are used for different things, but he brings in the idea that God prepares the vessel for the work He's going to use it for. So, God prepares you, you are a vessel in the hands of God, He wants to release certain things through you, but He prepares you and me for it. The interesting thing is, we must look at life as a continuous process of preparation. We never stop going through the preparation process of God because in every stage we are actually being prepared for the next thing ahead of us, He is preparing us. We may be doing something wonderful now, that's great, but right now He's preparing you for the next thing He wants to work through you. So, while you are serving Him, doing what He wants you to do now, you're also being prepared for the next thing that He wants you to step into. So, God is preparing us for His purposes. Let's pray, Lord, we thank you, that you prepare us for every good work, the works that you want to release through us, you're preparing us. Help us to recognize what you're doing and get ready for the work ahead of us, in Jesus’s name, Amen.
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