by Ps Ashish Raichur
Greetings and thank you so much for joining us today on this daily devotional. This week, we're
continuing our journey learning about personal evangelism. We are specifically looking this week at the
empowering of the Holy Spirit upon us as believers in the practice of personal evangelism. We stated
that the Holy Spirit empowers us through His gifts which basically are expressions of the Holy Spirit. The
gifts of the Spirit are not complicated, they're really the Holy Spirit expressing Himself through us as He
chooses and as we make ourselves available. One of the gifts that He releases or expresses Himself
through us by are called the gifts of healings. That is the Holy Spirit releases supernatural healings
through us, to touch other people for their good but it's a way for them to encounter the person of
Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit always glorifies Jesus, the Holy Spirit always speaks about Jesus, the Holy
Spirit always points people to Jesus. So, even in His expressions and manifestations, He will point people
to Jesus. One of that is through the gifts of healing. So, what we see in the book of Acts, over and over
again, that as the apostles bore witness to Jesus Christ, one of the things that happened was
supernatural healing. And the same Holy Spirit who moved through the book of Acts is still moving
through us today, bringing supernatural healing to people. Now it can happen in so many different ways.
We see in Acts chapter 3, as Peter and John were going into the temple, there was a lame man there
who've been born lame and Peter reached out and said, ‘silver and gold I don't have but what I have I
give you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’ And because of that healing of that
one man, 5,000 people believed. Sometimes, it could be a healing that takes place in the home of
somebody. In the end of the book of Acts, it says when Paul was shipwrecked along with lots of other
people on the island of Malta, they come into the house of a man named Publius who was a leader of
that place, a governor and there was somebody who had dysentery and Paul prayed for them, that man
was healed and then they brought other people on the island to be healed. So, through those healings
many people came to Jesus Christ. Jesus said that He'll do the same thing through you and me. So, as we
share Jesus with people, we pray for their healings if they are not well physically, emotionally; we pray
for them and the Holy Spirit releasing His power through us will heal them and they will encounter
Jesus. The healing part is the work of the Holy Spirit. The praying part, the message sharing part and
praying part is our responsibility. Through those gifts of healings, people will experience Jesus and come
to faith in Christ but we are channels through which the Holy Spirit does that. Let's be open to it. Let's
pray, dear Father, we ask that as we share the message of Jesus with people, we'll be open to the
empowering of the Holy Spirit to release gifts of healings, to heal people in their bodies and their minds
and the places where they are hurting so they can experience the touch of Jesus and encounter Jesus
personally. Help us to do this, in Jesus' name, Amen.
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Duration:4 mins 15 secs