Daily Devotional church in Bangalore
by Ps Nancy Ramya

Hello everyone! We are talking about holding on, staying the course, and not giving up in this assignment that God has given us. Today I want to focus on two very important elements that keep us on track and help us fulfill the journey. They are faith and patience. I’m sure all of you are nodding as I’m mentioning these qualities to all of us. It’s so important for us to hold onto faith and patience and that is what helps God’s people receive the promises of God. The writer of the Hebrews in Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 12 says, ‘You do not become sluggish but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.’ We are passionate about fulfilling God’s vision for our lives but as we go through life’s journey, we realize it is going to take much more endurance than we ever thought it would. So, it’s helpful for us to look at the lives of people who have held on and have received the fulfilment of the promises. Abraham is a classic example of a man who had faith in God’s word over his life for 25 years. In fact, when we read about the many people in Hebrews chapter 11, we recognize that the promise of God made over Abraham was not just for his lifetime, but many generations held on to the promise that was unfolding upon them; so, it was a man of faith and his descendants of faith who saw God’s promise fulfilled but they really had to hold on in faith. Another wonderful example for us is Caleb. We read about him in the book of Numbers chapter 13 and Joshua chapter 14. This was a passionate young man initially who wanted a land that was promised for him, and he held onto that promise till he was about 80 years old, and he goes back and asks for that land which was committed to him. He never gave up, he continued to have that faith. Even as a young person when he was sent as a spy, he had a spirit of faith, he did not come back complaining but he came back with a good report that God’s people could take the enemies territory; he was a man of faith. It is people like Abraham and Caleb giving us an example of faith that we must really hold onto. Here is the second element which is patience. Patience is very important. Romans chapter 8, verse 25 it says, ‘but if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.’ Have you ever seen a farmer sowing the seed and in two days digging it out because there was no crop? Nobody does that, we sow a seed, and we know we have to nurture it, water it and do all the things that is required and at the right time there will be a crop and harvest. So, when we have sown something, we really have to be patient. We have to hold on and trust God that He is faithful, God is the one who will bring the increase for us. So, faith and patience are important for us to not quit and complete the race that God has for us. Let’s pray together, Heavenly Father, we thank you for such wonderful examples. Lord, we pray that you would help us as well to keep faith and walk in patience so that we can receive the promises made over our lives, in Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.

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Series:Don't Quit

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