Greetings, thank the Lord for His goodness in our lives. As we come to the close of another week, we can look back and give thanks to the Lord and say God thank you for helping us journey through another week, for being good to us, for providing for us, protecting us, keeping us, leading us, guiding us, we thank you and we can also give Him praise and thanks for the future, knowing that our future is in His hands, our times are in His hands and so we have faith for the future. As we close out this week, we've been talking about having faith for the future. I want us to know that no matter what failure we may have seen, no matter what setback we may have experienced, no matter what dark pit we may find ourselves in, our future is still bright because the Lord has assured to bring us out into victory. So, your expectation for the future should be one of victory, that even if you are in the midst, in the kick of an intense battle right now, you have the assurance that God will cause you to triumph. In Second Corinthians chapter two verse 14, the apostle Paul writes, he says, ‘Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of his knowledge in every place.’ He says give thanks to God, why? He always leads us in triumph in Christ. God will lead you in triumph, God will lead you in victory, God will bring you out and He will bring you in, to a place of victory. The Old Testament says Psalm chapter 16 verse 12 ‘through our God we shall do valiantly.’ Through our God we will triumph, we will come out victorious. So, you can say my future is one of victory, my future is one of triumph. I am a success waiting to happen, I am a triumph waiting to take place, I’m a victory about to happen, that's who I am because my God always causes me to triumph. Speak like that, have that kind of faith for your future because God always leads you in triumph. Remember this, that your present situation is no indication of your final destination because things will change, and God will take you from glory to glory, He will make things better and better and better for you. Your path is like the shining sun that gets brighter and brighter. God will lead you through into victory that's the guarantee for your future. Have faith in God for your future. Let's pray, Lord, we thank you that you have assured us that you always lead us in triumph. I declare victory in every area of life for each and every one listening, and we expect that Lord. We have faith in you for our future, in Jesus’s name, Amen.
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