Hello and welcome to Living Supernaturally. We are so glad that you could be here. We are looking at God’s word, studying it and little snippets from His word that we can study, meditate on and put to practice in our daily living. Whatever be our environment, maybe it is a work environment, at home or at campus, the word of God is the same. The word of God is powerful and doesn’t change with circumstances, environment or situation. The promises are the same and therefore, we look into God’s word to study it and put to practice. Today, we are looking at this whole theme of being strong, where the word of God commands us to be strong. We are looking at various scenarios from which this instruction comes. Today, we are looking at one such scenario which is in 1 Corinthains chapter 15, verse 58, it says, ‘Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.’ What is the instruction here? To be strong in the work of the Lord. To be strengthened, to be enabled, to be empowered in the work of the Lord. It says here, be steadfast and be immovable in the work of the Lord. We get a key there, why does the Lord give this instruction? Because we see that word ‘therefore’ and everything that precedes that word, ‘therefore my beloved my brethren’, is the revelation and the assurance of the resurrection. The resurrection of the believers who die in the Lord and the assurance and the reality of eternal life to those who put their trust in the Lord and the assurance and the reality of the glorified bodies that those who die in Christ when they are resurrected, they receive. This corruption is putting on incorruption and so on. He talks about their assurance or the reality of it, that revelation is given and so it says, therefore, be strong in the work of the Lord. So, today, if you are engaged in the work of the Lord, whether it is in the market place, in the campus, in the local church or the global church or maybe it is an itinerant ministry, the instruction is to be strong in the work of the Lord. Don’t give up, don’t be discouraged or weary, be strong for the reassurance and the reality of the resurrection that is there and the glorified bodies we receive, the assurance and reality we have of us living in eternity. Several words that describe how we need to be strong. The first word there is steadfast which means to be firm and immovable. The second word immovable is used which means to be unmoved and firmly persistent and thirdly it says, always abounding, always increasing, always exceeding and having more than enough. So, it says, be steadfast, be immovable and always abound in the work of the Lord, so that means that we are to be strong in the work of the Lord in all these ways. Now the work of the Lord could be for you in the marketplace, for some of us it could be in the campus, we could be students. So, the work of the Lord which means to be a witness, to be a testimony would be the work of the Lord for the student. The work of the Lord for someone in the marketplace will be to be a people of integrity and truth, to be the voice of truth and to be putting out a work of excellence, now that could be the work of the Lord for us as believers, to make sure that the Lord is glorified in everything that we put out there as our work. So, when we do the ministry in the local church and also in the global church, when we are in itinerant ministry, to be strong in that work whatever we are engaged in. This is the command that we have, this is the instruction that we have to be strong in the Lord and because of the revelation of the understanding that is there. Let's pray, Father, we thank you for this day, we thank you for this time, we thank you for the different environments that you've placed us in. Wherever we are Lord, your command today for us is to be strong in the work of the Lord. We pray that we will facilitate encounters, that we will facilitate testimony and witnessing with power based on what you've given us, what you've shown us, that we will not hold back, that we will not be weak or weakened or be fearful but we will be strong in the work of the Lord. We thank you we can do this because of your presence and your power, in Jesus’ matchless name we pray, Amen.
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