Shalom, we are happy to join you here once again as we look into God’s word. We started a series on looking at what do we do in our anger, what are the lessons we can learn from scripture? Scripture brings a lot of teaching on anger and one of the things that we are going to focus on today is to let go or to cease from anger. Psalm chapter 37, verse 8, ‘Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret—it only causes harm.’ The verse today emphasizes that when we allow anger and wrath to fester, it only causes harm. In other words, unchecked anger can lead to evil, fretting leads to evil. This is a reminder that an unchecked anger can disrupt our peace and lead us away from the righteous path that God intends for us. What does the verse emphasize? It says, cease from anger. In other words, it means let it go or let alone to slacken, weaken your anger. It simply means to let go. It means to make a conscious decision to stop continuing to allow that anger to stay in. This could involve letting go of the negative emotions that come as a result such as bitterness, resentment or even a desire for revenge. It is an intentional act of moving from those feelings. The verse also says to forsake wrath. Wrath is intense anger and it is often something that seeks revenge or seeks punishment, something as a payback. Turning away from wrath means rejecting these extreme reactions. Instead of allowing anger to escalate into wrath, we step back and respond with patience and understanding. The third thing it says is fretting. What does fretting involve? Excessive worrying and stewing over a situation that really builds upon and causes that anger. This verse tells us not to allow or dwell on the matter or allow it to consume our thoughts. Fretting generally intensifies anger and leads to a lot of negative outcomes. When we hold on to anger, it clouds our judgement on what we should do. So, ceasing from anger, forsaking wrath and not fretting involves trusting in the justice and in the timing of God. Instead of taking matters into our own hands or to seek revenge, we trust that God will handle the situation in His perfect wisdom and in His true righteousness. This trust allows us to let go of that anger and find our peace. By letting go, we are trusting God and as a result, we respond with grace and patience. Let’s pray together, Heavenly Father, teach us to let go, to forsake our wrath and to give up on fretting because we know that all justice and all righteousness is yours. Help us to truly depend on you even with these emotions and take on what you desire for us. May we be patient, kind and willing to pause. Thank you for being with us, in Jesus’ name, Amen. Thank you for tuning in to Living Supernaturally, for more resources to strengthen your spiritual walk, please visit
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