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FREE Kids Bible Videos, Kids Video Bible Stories, Kids Video Bible Lessons

Free videos for kids with Bible lessons, Bible stories, activities, and kids worship to help nurture Children in their walk of faith.

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Credits of Worship Songs sung by APC Worship Team:

Song: The Name of the Lord, Artist: Rich Gomez, Integrity's Hosanna! Music, Album: Songs 4 Worship: My Redeemer Lives, Licensed to YouTube by [Merlin] Absolute Label Services; LatinAutor - UMPG, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, UMPG Publishing, Capitol CMG Publishing, and 4 Music Rights Societies

Song: righteousness, peace and joy, Artist: ron kenoly, integrity’s hosanna music, Album: ron kenoly collection, Licensed to youtube by: [merlin] absolute label services; Adorando brazil, latinautor - umpg, capitol cmg publishing, Bmi - broadcast music inc., and 7 music rights societies

Song: majesty, Artist: hillsong worship, delirious, Licensed to youtube by Hillsong (on behalf of hillsong music and resources llc, capitol cmg publishing, pedl, ascap, adorando brazil and 18music rights societies.

All Peoples Church in Bangalore is a Spirit-filled, Word-based, Bible-believing Christian fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ desiring more of His presence and supernatural power bringing transformation, healing, miracles, and deliverance. We preach the full Gospel, equip believers to live out our new life in Christ, welcome the Charismatic and Pentecostal expressions in the assembly of God and serve in strengthening unity across all Christian churches. All free resources, sermons, daily devotionals, and free Christian books are provided for the strengthening of all believers in the Body of Christ. Join our services live at APC YouTube Channel. For further equipping, please visit APC Bible College.


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