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Worship Team Audition


Location: APC Central

Sunday, 14 July 2024,

KINDLY NOTE: The last date for registering is Sunday, July 07th, 2024

Who can audition?

You definitely can, if-

* You have invited the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, have a heart for worship and a desire to serve in the worship ministry of All Peoples Church (APC) &
* You are a regular worshipper at APC for the last 3-6 months and have decided to make APC your home church &
* You consider yourself to be skilled in the area that you are auditioning for.

Kindly note: You need to be 18 years or older to audition.

What is the audition process like?

Step 1: Fill out the online application form
Step 2: You will receive some songs by email. Practice your part for these songs.

At the audition, you will be asked to sing/play any of the songs that you received in your email- this could be with the team or to a musical track.

You will receive a call & email on the audition results, the following week.

Registrations Closed !