Only those who have been haunted by Fear know what it is to fear. There is a tight knot in the tummy, palms turn clammy, there is a strange drumming in the ears, and as your heart alternates between stopping and charging like a light brigade, those gasps of terror tugging at the trachea - could hardly be termed "breathing".
What causes fear? The sense of being accosted by something dangerous, evil and harmful; something or someone; mostly from behind or lurking around the corner - Or, as in the case of the beautiful young lady in this film, coming and lying by your side on the sacred space of your bed. You want to scream: "Get out from here, you dirty, filthy, evil thing, GET OUT and leave me alone!" but you can't, how can you dare to speak when you are paralyzed with fear? You have been stalked by this - this - this "thing" for long, and you can't share it with anybody because nobody understands.
They put on the light and say, "What's there to fear? There's nobody here. See!" They put off the light and leave the room. The evil thing returns. You know it's going to drain out your life some day. Is there no hope for you then? Truth is there is hope. The lovely lady is not only alive, but happy and free. All because she got help from Someone - the only one who can - who scared the hell out of Fear and made that evil thing flee from her forever. Want to share in the secret?
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