Mon, Nov 26, 2012
God's Word (Part 5) The Sword of The Spirit
by Ps Ashish Raichur
We are in a spiritual battle against the powers of darkness. One of our weapons to engage in this warfare is the sword given to us by the Holy Spirit, which is the quickened word of God. Today on LivingStrong! we learn how to receive and use the sword of the Spirit against the enemy. Stay tuned!
Series: God's Word (TV)
We are in a spiritual battle against the powers of darkness. One of our weapons to engage in this warfare is the sword given to us by the Holy Spirit, which is the quickened word of God. Today on Living Strong! we learn how to receive and use the sword of the Spirit against the enemy. Stay tuned!

Today’s teaching is an excerpt from a free publication “God’s Word”. You can download this as a PDF or request a free printed copy by sending us your postal address.

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Featured in this episode:
* Message by Ps Ashish Raichur
* Song 'Lift My Hands (Let Faith Arise)' by our worship team.
* "How God's Word Transformed My Life" - A testimony by Ps Manoj Iype