Mon, Nov 12, 2012
God's Word (Part 3) The Miracle Seed
by Ps Ashish Raichur
There are things in our natural world that teach us about the spiritual world. The process of a seed germinating, sprouting and becoming a plant or a tree is one such natural phenomena that reveal spiritual reality. Today on LivingStrong! we discover that God’s Word is like miracle seed – which when sown and nurtured in our hearts will release God’s miracle working power in our lives that can transform and change every situation.
Series: God's Word (TV)
There are things in our natural world that teach us about the spiritual world. The process of a seed germinating, sprouting and becoming a plant or a tree is one such natural phenomena that reveal spiritual reality.  Today on LivingStrong! we discover that God’s Word is like miracle seed – which when sown and nurtured in our hearts will release God’s miracle working power in our lives that can transform and change every situation.

Key Points
  • God’s word is like seed.
  • God’s Word has been designed to produce.
  • God’s word will accomplish that which God pleases in and that which He has purposed.
  • Our heart is the ground where the seed of God’s word is to be sown.
  • The seed must be protected and nurtured if it is to produce fruit.
  • We must understand the word to keep Satan from stealing the word.
  • Regardless of what hardship or persecution we face - from the world or the devil - we must hold fast to the word.
  • We must guard our hearts from the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and the lust for other things.
  • When we understand (Matthew 13:23), receive (Mark 4:20) and retain (Luke 8:15) the word to bring forth fruit.

Today’s teaching is an excerpt from a free publication “God’s Word”. You can download this as a PDF or request a free printed copy by sending us your postal address.

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Featured in this episode:

  • Message by Ps Ashish Raichur
  • A song "Healer" by our worship team.
  • A Testimony on "How God's Word Transformed My Life" by Lincy Ipe.