Mon, Nov 05, 2012
God's Word (Part 2) It's Purity and Power
by Ps Ashish Raichur
There are some things the God of the Bible cannot do, and one of them is He can never lie. God is not a man that He should lie, neither is He like men to go back on His Word. Today on LivingStrong! we discover the purity and power of God’s Word - two key elements of God Himself, reflected in the Word He speaks. The purity and power of God’s Word become the basis of solid faith in God.
Series: God's Word (TV)

There are some things the God of the Bible cannot do, and one of them is He can never lie. God is not a man that He should lie, neither is He like men to go back on His Word. Today on LivingStrong! we discover the purity and power of God’s Word - two key elements of God Himself, reflected in the Word He speaks. The purity and power of God’s Word become the basis of solid faith in God.

Key points:

Today’s teaching is an excerpt from a free publication “God’s Word”. You can download this as a PDF or request a free printed copy by sending us your postal address.

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