Exciting times are ahead - but we need to stay the course! In this message we share the importance of us having a vision, staying together and working
toward fulfilling the vision. We share what has been planned for us as a church through 2013, including exciting Missions Outreaches to North India. Put these into your schedule and get involved!
May this sermon minister to you and enrich your walk of faith in Jesus Christ. We welcome you to make use of the free sermons, Christian books, and daily devotionals available on this website.
Why do this?A, Proverbs 29:18 B, Proverbs 4:26 C, Habakkuk 2:2,3 D, 1 Corinthians 1:10
VISION OF ALL PEOPLES CHURCH"Our vision is to be salt and light in the city of Bangalore, a voice to the nation of India and to the nations".
APC-BangaloreVision is to have at least 5 locations, grow each location to 50,000 people. The vision of growing to 50K was shared in the very beginning when APC was started in Feb 2001.
One church, multiple locations with each location having the same vision, ministry, spiritual emphasis and organizational structure.
Core FocusBuild people in the Word and the Spirit, Equip them and "release" (activate) them to fulfill God's purpose for their lives.
Our Core ValuesWe are Word based-Spirit Led
We emphasize Loving God and Loving People
We believe that every Believer is a minister
We value Integrity, Excellence and Kingdom-mindedness
Our CultureCasual, Contemporary, Creative, Relevant
Casual : We are casual yet not compromising in conduct
Contemporary : We are contemporary without losing godly traditions
Creative : We are creative, while preserving depth and substance
Relevant : We are relevant, speaking timeless truths in today's language
2013 – The Road AheadAll current ministries will continue to grow.
Five Locations |
Bible College |
Key Events: |
Life Groups |
Publications |
Five Days of Prayer (Jun 03-07, Dec 02-06) |
Childrens' Church |
Internet / Media |
Mens' Conference (Sat, Jan 26) |
On Campus Elevates (for colleges) |
God TV Outreach |
APL - Sports Day (Sun, Jan 27) |
Catalysts (for Schools) |
Chrysalis Counseling |
Preparing For Marriage (Sat, Feb 23) |
Karunalaya |
Weekend Schools |
Kids' Conference (Mon-Fri, Apr 08-12) |
Nepali Church |
Youth Conference (Thu-Sat, May 16-18) |
Kannada Chur |
Church Camp (Thu-Sat, Oct 31-Nov 02) |
Planned: FOUNDATIONS, Resource Center/Library
MISSIONS / OUTREACHESPastors & Ministers Conference “Level Ground”Jan 15-18 (Tue-Fri) SOUTH INDIA (Bangalore)
Mar 20-22 (Wed-Fri) WESTERN INDIA (Ahmedabad)
July 16-19 (Tue-Fri) EASTERN INDIA (Dimapur, Nagaland)
Sep 17-20 (Tue-Fri) CENTRAL INDIA (Lucknow, UP)
Nov 19-22 (Tue-Fri) NORTH INDIA (Chandigarh, Punjab)
EQUIP – Equipping young people for ministryFeb 22-24 (Fri-Sun) EQUIP Part1-Rajasthan
Apr 26-28 (Fri-Sun) EQUIP Part1-Madhya Pradesh
May 10-12 (Fri-Sun) EQUIP Part1-Uttar Pradesh (3 states:Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & West Bengal)
Jun 21-23 (Fri-Sun) EQUIP Part1-Chandigarh (5 states: Himachal, J&K, Punjab, Harayana, Uttarakhand)
Jul 19-21 (Fri-Sun) EQUIP Part2-Rajasthan
Aug 23-25 (Fri-Sun) EQUIP Part2-Madhya Pradesh
Sep 20-22 (Fri-Sun) EQUIP Part2-Uttar Pradesh (3 states:Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & West Bengal)
Oct 18-20 (Fri-Sun) EQUIP Part2-Chandigarh (5 states: Himachal, J&K, Punjab, Harayana, Uttarakhand)
Short-Term Bible CollegeShort Term Bible College 2013 : Sep 17 (Mon) - Nov 30 (Fri) : Champa, Chattisgarh
EHA MissionsWill serve the EHA Christian mission hospitals and their communities at Chattarpur (Madhya Pradesh) and Champa (Chattisgarh).
GET INVOLVEDAt APC every believer is a minister! We are all kings and priests! So please listen to the Lord on areas where He would lead you to serve and step in! Start serving!
If you would like to serve/volunteer at APC, please send an email to pastor Ashish (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and he can direct you to the appropriate persons(s). Else, please get in touch with the Associate Pastor(s) at your location [ ] or with the person leading the ministry that you are interested in.
In all our planning we remain yielded to the Spirit of the Lord for His guidance and direction so that we go wherever He leads.