Receiving forgiveness and releasing forgiveness is powerful. It transforms us.
A great story of repentance and forgiveness.
Luke 7:36-50.
Forgiveness begins at the feet of Jesus – at the feet of the Cross.
Ephesians 1:7
A genuine experience of receiving divine forgiveness :
1. releases us from any sense of shame, guilt and condemnation in God’s presence and is replaced by a deep sense of love, belonging, acceptance.
Luke 7:47,48 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Matthew 9:1-7. Why did Jesus first deal with forgiveness before releasing healing? Sin-consciousness hinders our ability to exercise faith and receive from God. (1 John 3:21,22)
2. heals us and makes us whole in the inner person. We no longer walk with a low self-worth or in a self-demeaning manner, since for us our true worth is seen in the Cross.
Luke 7:50 ‘Go in peace’
“The surest cure for the feeling of being an unacceptable person is the discovery that we are accepted by the grace of One whose acceptance matters most.” (Smeeds)
The forgiveness that Jesus gives not only removes shame but also restores our dignity (self-worth, value).
3. leads us to increased godliness and reverence.
God forgives us so that we can fear and reverence Him. Psalm 130:3,4
Hebrews 12:28
4. gives us confidence in our conflict against the powers of darkness.
Satan’s biggest weapon against the believer is accusation. Revelation 12.
Knowing that we are forgiven, enables us to stand up against satan’s accusations.
Satan had me bound, but Jesus set me free.
5. makes us forgiving of others.
Matthew 6:12-15
Those who receive forgiveness have the responsibility to release forgiveness.
Matthew 18:21-35
In the Kingdom, it is expected that the limitless mercy I have received, I must release to those who have offended me.
Hebrews 12:14-16
Bitterness springing out of unforgiveness, gives birth to a whole lot of evil within our own souls - depression, despair, anger, resentment, suspicion, self-absorption, etc. etc.
Forgiving others
The following thoughts are adapted from the article "Restoring the soul" by Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, The Moody Church.
1, You don't have to be asked, to forgive someone. Forgiveness is a choice.
2, You don't have to wait until you feel like forgiving, to forgive.
Forgiveness is not an emotion. It is a choice we make. We can forgive even if we don’t feel like it.
Imagine the Lord Jesus on the Cross. In the midst of all the pain, agony, humiliation and suffering – He chose to say “Father, forgive them….”. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Stephen, the first martyr of the Church, followed in those footsteps.
3, Forgiveness will not always end in reconciliation
Reconciliation involves the choice of the others involved, something you cannot dictate
4, By forgiving we are not minimizing the offense or diminishing the hurt inflicted
We do not minimize the offense when we forgive. Instead, we are acting like our Father in heaven who paid our debt so that we could go free.
5, By forgiving we are not surrendering justice, rather leaving justice in the hands of the One who is the judge of all things.
Romans 12:18-21
6, Forgiveness is not easy, but it is the only way we are called to walk. There is no other option.
1 Peter 2:21-23
Call for us to repentance as a body and receive forgiveness
Revelation 3:18
From personal sins
From sins against others
Our passion for Christ and what pleases Him, must be stronger than our passion for sin and gratifying our own lusts.